Friday, November 21, 2008

Assorted Macarons

Did this for a nice lady "R" who lives in Indonesia.


Anonymous said...

Hi aunty yo,

they are beautiful! u make me drool. What flavours are they?

Joe-Lene said...

Hi Aunty,

After piping it on the baking sheet, do you let it sit for some time before baking or you just bake directly? Thanks.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Joe-Lene,

For these...I bake it immediately

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Phoebe,

I did the earl grey, apricot, lavender with choc flakes and pistachio.


redsister said...

Looks lovely and delicious, pity I couldn't attend your class. Hoping to see u soon.
Regards Margaret

Florence said...

Hi Aunty,

I remembered you will be conducting Macarons class. When will the class be.. I remember signing up for that.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi florence,

you missed out on that one but I have another one...could you please email me at :


Anonymous said...

Hello Aunty, you have lovely website. I love it very much and your're an inspiration to me. I love macarons a lot and each country I visited I will try to find pastry shops that sell macaron.

Middle of this year I was in Singapore... oh my, I went Macaron hunting LOL! I bought some back home with me but 40 % were cracked or almost flattened by cargo handlers :-( even though I put them with their own boxes in tupperware first, vacuum packed and wrapped up with clothes to absorb the shock of handling. It's difficult for me to hand-carry because my hands are full for my 2 year son. May I know how you sent to the lady in Indonesia???

Do you intend to do online video or podcast of your baking classes? I'm willing to pay fees to access your tutorials :-)

Have wonderful week! Thank you for sharing recipes and yummy picts!

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Pixen,

my boxes are of very high quality type. Won't crack the macarons unless you press the macarons with your fingers.

As for online tutorial, please email me:
