Friday, October 03, 2008

Rum Balls


Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy

I tried making the rum balls the other day but I have difficulty coating the balls. Before I finished with balls, the chocolate coating has set and in the end, the spribkles does not stick. Do you put the chocolate on warmer like the fondue bowl?

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi shirlyn,

When I made these cupcakes, the balls were at room temp. I melted the chocolate , dip the balls in and then sprinkle the "Thouands"...

I think your rum balls are cold (if I'm not mistaken)and that is why it sets before you could even place it on the plate.


dt said...

Hi yochana, no offence.... but ur rum ball do look like tako-yaki to me :)

Aunty Yochana said...

hahaha dt....I'm not offended. I find it amusing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana :-)

What can I say about your blog & baking that no one else have already said?

Okay, I'll get straight to the point and say it... Please can you adopt me? giggle
This way I can learn all your Baking Kung-Fu from you.

I love Rum Balls, I used to eat it all the time when I was still in KL. I live in UK now, have yet to find Rum Balls here :-(

I would really appreciate it very, very much if you would post/share the recipe, please.

Thanking you in advance.
Best Regards, Florence

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Florence,

Actually Rum Balls no need recipe. Just mash your cake crumbs or balance sponge cake. Add in melted chocolate and Rum. Then you add in chopped nuts and mixed fruits. Add in some butter cream so that it's easy to roll into ball. Chill it then coat it with melted chocolate. I think the Rum is important.


Anonymous said...

Hellooo Aunty Yochana :-)

Thanks for pointing me to the Rum Balls direction. *giggle*
Will definitely try it as soon as I find time.

Would appreciate some advice from you which is not rum balls related, please.
Few days ago, I baked a self invented Lemon Meringue Cheese Cake.
It was alright, but I think it can be better.
Your Blueberry Cheese Tartlets inspired me.
So, for my 2nd attempt... I was thinking of baking it into tartlets.
The problem I had with my 1st attempt was the layer of the cheese & meringue doesn't stick together & it seems wet between the 2 layers.
What I'm worry about is, if it get wet / perspire in the tartlets tin, I might have problem getting the tartlet out.
Specially with the meringue on the tartlets makes it abit flimsy to handle, I would imagine.

Do you think it would be more practical for me to unmould the cheese tartlets, put it in a paper cup before I put the meringue on & bake it?
Do you think by doing this it will burn the tart casing or worse because of the wet layer... it all falls apart?

I appreciate you might not have all the answer, but I was hoping with your vast experience & extensive knowledge to baking... you might have some ideas.
Any suggestions at all will be most appreciated.

I am going to do a trial bake with this tartlets soon.
I am planning to serve it for Christmas to my in-laws.
Want to make sure I get it right :-)
Once again, Thanking you in advance for your kind help.
With Best Regards, Florence

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Florence,

Normally the egg white will turn wet after a couple of hours. the only way is the bake the meringue longer, making it crispy and to pipe the meringue and bake it on the same day of serving.

You can unmould the tarts and put it in the paper cups but you have to put back into the paper cups if you are going to bake again to prevent it from splitting and cracking on top.


Anonymous said...

Hey there Aunty Yochana :-)

Thank you soooo much for taking time to give me your valuable advice, much appreciated.

I think I'll try baking the meringue separately and put it onto the tartlets after it's done. Like one of your tartlets with a macaroon on top of it. I'll most probably pipe the meringue in a swirly round, almost the size of the tartlets. Is the meringue doing to spread quite big after it's baked?

I shall put some jam/lemon curd on the cheese tartlets first before I put the meringue on, hopefully that'll make it stick together.

What do you think Aunty Yo? Is this so call plan of mine workable, in your opinion? :-)

Sorry for asking you so many questions. Hope you don't mind :-)
Thanks so much for your kind help & valuable advice.
With Best Regards, Florence

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Florence,

with the Jam in-between, the meringue will not stick and the meringue will also turn soft and watery.


Anonymous said...

Hi again Aunty Yo ;-)

I am running out of ideas to solve the meringue problem:-(
Would you please share some ideas to what you think might be the best thing for me to do?

I am just wondering... does macaroons have the same problem like meringues?

With Best Regards, Florence