Saturday, September 20, 2008

V's Yam Cake


Anonymous said...


I'm SPEECHLESS. I have not even find out what are the ingredients needed to bake this cake and you have made it and tasted it !

Your speed is faster than F1 :)

Thumbs Up !

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Yaha,

The yam has been sitting in my fridge waiting for me , so I had no choice but to work on it.


Anonymous said...

For a moment, I thought you grow yam in your garden *wink**

Anonymous said...

what abaut recepis?

Anonymous said...

Very tempting, my favourite yam! Can share recipe pleasssssssssssssse??

Anonymous said...

Aunty, this cake is very tempting. Would you be able to share this recipe?

sky said...

hi aunty yochana

i m a fan of yam, so would really like to try baking this cake. If possible, can u email me the receipe to

thanx a million :>