Thursday, September 18, 2008

Teochew Spiral Yam Mooncakes


ravenouss11_multifarious said...

Hi, aunty
Understand that you are conducting classes, may i have the venue, date and $. Thanks

ravenouss11_multifarious said...

sorry forgot to give you my email

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yo,

I was lucky to be able to take back one during the class. Thumbs up for your Yam mooncakes, it's very delicious. The filling very moisture and not dry like outside ppl selling.
Beside this, I also fall in love with your dodol durian mini snow skin mooncakes. Please kindly share the recipe with me. Or are you going to have a class on making mooncakes as well, I will sure would like to attend it.

Thanks & best regards,
DG (

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Doris,

These yam mooncakes are well loved by a lot of people.

I will open up a class on the dodol mooncakes later. Ihave to show how to make the dodol.I know it's very addictive.


Happy Flour said...

Hi Aunty,

I agreed with Doris too. I did try one and I fall in love with it too. The layers of pastry is thin, the filling is moisture and not too sweet. Now I still can recall the taste. Can I have one more, please.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Happyflour,

I will teach this Spiral Yam Mooncakes soon and all you will definitely be able to do it well.....


Aunty Yochana said...

Oh gosh Happy flour...I'm so proud of you. You did your pandan swiss roll without any cracks..Well Done!


Happy Flour said...

Hi Aunty,

Thanks for the compliment. Your recipe is so good that my neighbours ask for more and they give a 'thump up' for the kaya. Need to bake two rolls for the next round.

Your method of folding is very easier. My swiss roll has fine texture with lesser air holes on it. You are a great teacher. Thank you so much.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Happy flour,

that's my aim...I must make sure that my student make it and succeed in it.

thumbs up again.


Anonymous said...

hi Aunty,

Your spiral yam mooncae is so nice such that my mum finish all without leaving any for me!!

fainted.. :(


Aunty Yochana said...

Oh gosh fei fei,

so sad huh...nvm I will make more next time.


Anonymous said...

Please do include me with your cooking schedule, Thanks!

My email add:


Unknown said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,

Do you use the small taro or the big taro when you make your desserts? What is the difference? My mom says that big taro produces more water during cooking while small taro does not--so it's better to use small taro. What do you recommend?

BTW, your site is awesome!


Anonymous said...

hi Aunty,

no lah, what I am trying to say is that your yam mooncake is good.. :)


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Claire,'s the other way round. The bigger taro the better. They are more fluffy and taste better.


Anonymous said...

hi aunty,
may i know your class schedule? please email me at i'm interested in your baking.