Friday, September 19, 2008

Orange Mousse Cake


Shalini Nathan said...


Could you post the lovely receipe?

Anonymous said...

aunty, I came across a chiffon recipe which needs the addition of a little bit of cornflour when beating the egg white. May i know whether it helps in stabilising the egg white so that it doesnt deflate too fast when mixing with egg yolk batter?
Thanks aunty.

Anonymous said...

oopss.. Another question. May I know if I can create my own sweet potato chiffon cake by using your yam chiffon cake recipe i.e. replace steamed yam with steamed sweet potato (orange colour)?
And also, I would love to make lemon chiffon. Can i use your orange chiffon and replace the orange juice with lemon juice?

Sorry for so many questions to trouble you, aunty! thanks

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi ling,

yes you can sub sweet potato with yam but for the lemon ..u can still do it but it might leave bigger holes in the cake because lemon is acidic and has a reaction causing the cake to have bigger holes.


Aunty Yochana said...

hi ling,

I don't use cornflour unless I'm making cheesecake.


Anonymous said...

ic.. thanks aunty.. ermm.. I have made the sweet potato one. it turns out great!! thanks aunty.
Luckily i didnt use the lemon recipe. Aunty. I would also like to try making Japanese Tofu cake i saw from ur previous posts. Can I just use a normal SPONGE cake recipe and sub the water with soya bean and just use EGG WHITE to replace the eggs? I really would like to make for my parents as it is very healthy compared to other cakes. Please help aunty!!
Thanks aunty. SO much..

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Ling,

sponge cake using soya milk is ok but just solely depending on egg white could be a tough job. It might out dense and chewy... You can use the fly african recipe that is already in my blog..more egg white than egg yolk and make it into sponge cakes. Don't use butter if you don't like, just sub it with cornoil instead.


Anonymous said...

Hello Aunty,

a. How did you stack the sponges and mousse? Do you have a very tall ring mould or do you wrap with acetate (plastic) strip?

b. I read in Alex Goh book that there are 3 sponge recipes (optima, with ovalette, traditional). Do you think the ovalette and traditional are very similar? Which one do you prefer between the two?

Thanks Aunty!

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Jen,

there's many ways of doing this shape. You can lay a sponge cake onto a board, place a cake ring then pour in the mousse and then top up with the sponge cake. Set in the chiller till very set. Use a mini cake ring to cut it out or you can do it individually if you have enough mini cake rings.

As for the sponge (Alex's), you can use's all the same.


Anonymous said...

oh okay. thanks aunty. But the sponge cake come out with still be brownish if im not wrong rite?
I actually want to achieve the pure, silky white sponge cake like in your Black sesame soya cake roll. It was pure white rite? any way to achieve that aunty?
I taught u also use egg white alone to make that.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Weng,

I can't remember but you can give me the link or the exact and I'll go and see it again.
