Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jo's Birthday Dinner


keira said...

Hi aunty joanne ur daughter? Anyway my Birthday Greetings to her...she's a lucky gal to have a great baking mum like desserts look awesome.


Quinn said...

Happy Birthday Joanne! That seems like a great birthday bash!

Asan said...

Gosh, Aunty Yochana...your spread of sweets looks like the ones in the cruise ships or Las Vegas plush hotels! Good job!
Wanna adopt me? He! He!

Yan said...

Aunty :

I am totally blown away by the array of desserts, cakes galore... tell me quickly, where is this fabulous place ? I was totally disorientated and drooling away as the slides glided the images.

btw, is this dessert dinner for Jo ? very sweet delight indeed .


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Yan,

Thank you very much for your well wishes.

You should take the losters, prawns, rock oysters, mussels and many many many more. You'll definitely be blown away.

It's Shangri-La "The Line".


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi mal,

yes yes Joanne is my daughter. Thanks for your well wishes.


Anonymous said...

The spread really looks very good, spoilt for choice. If only can try every dish on the buffet table.

I must make a date with "The Line" soon.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Yaha,

Make sure you skip your LUNCH if you're going to "the Line" for dinner. Eat the Lobsters and prawns first.


Anonymous said...

hi aunt yo!

Congrats to Joanne! :)

at first sight... this reminds me of "The Line" ... it's really it! :) cool... surely you've all had a wonderful and memorable nite there! :)

Was there a couple of times for dinner... no doubt the food was fantastic, but I end up, ate their dessert most! hahahaha... appeal and taste wise... superb!!! :)

Asan said...

Oh, Aunty Yochana...pardon me, I thought you made the desserts...BUT I have no doubt that you could if you want to! Happy Birthday to Jo!

Florence said...

Hi Lucy,

Happy belated birthday wishes to your daughter, Joanne.

Like Yaha, I want a date with The Line too!

When shall it be Yaha?

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Florence,

Wait lah....for..Yaha's birthday.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi anonymous,

There's so much food that you can't possibly try every bit even if you take just a tbsp.

You're right, we'll attack the dessert the crepe with ice-cream. Now no more fried ice-cream but it's just scoop ice-cream.

I frequent "the Line" a lot cos I love the food there especially the cold lobster, prawns, mussels, rock oysters, sashimi...etc.etc.

Drooling liao...


n2inpink said...

hi lucy,

yummy yummy! my last visit to "the line" is abt 2 mths ago.
yeah, their food is yummy....
now drolling liao.

however, their macs, is nothing compared to yours!
your macs is much more yummy and delish! even bakerzin macs oso "kalah" than yours!

Aunty Yochana said...

Ya ya true lah n2inpink, their Macarons are not tasty...not nice! Self-compliment, mine is more tasty and very addictive. Theirs can even finish half of it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy,

Happy Belated Birthday to Joanne. Drooling at the desserts. Now I know where to bring my mum for her birthday next week. Thanks for the recommendation. I must start dieting now.


Aunty Yochana said...

Aiyo Jennifer,

You're so thin and tall, no need to diet lah.

Your mum's birthday coming? Anyway, Happy Birthday to your mum (in Advance).


Anonymous said...

hi Aunt Yo!

alamak... i forgot to sign off... I am Anonymous... - the one attacking the desert one... muahahahah...

maybe their macarons are too mass produced and left in the 'open' for some time... compared to what u've made at home and how u stored them... :)

the macarons in your posted pics look good! :) *hint hint* ... hahahaha... :p

(oops... must remember to sign off)

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Jacqueline,

you're so funny..


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Jacqueline,

you're so funny..


dt said...


Happy belated birthday wishes to your daughter, Joanne.

The desserts look awesome....
planning to make a date with "The Line" when i go to S'pore ^_^

Aunty Yochana said...

oh thanks dtwhale,

I'm sure you will enjoy yourself at "the Line".
