Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jo is 22 today


Yan said...

Aunty :

My heartiest well wishes to your dotter Jo.
"Happy Birthday young lady. You have a wonderful Mom with great baking skills and talent! I believe you are a talented young lady too. God Bless!"

Anonymous said...

Happy BeeDay Jo.
May happiness, joy and love will always be with u.
Why no picture of Jo blowing her candle aunty?

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Fanny,

I'll have to ask for her permission first otherwise I'll get sued by her.


Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Jo!

Gosh, for a moment i thought Lucy made all those dessert! That would have taken a few day hor? which hotel is this? Looks delish :P

Anonymous said...

Hahaaa...of course

Aunty Yochana said...

Hahaha Xan

the chef with the hat gave me away...

It's Shangri-La Hotel - "The Line". We love to go there... it's about S$88 per person.


Anonymous said...

i cant imagine how the rest of the spread would like like...droooling away.... think at these times, how nice to have 4 stomachs like the cow :) hahahaa

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Joanne.

Many happy returns and all the best in your final exams.

Amy Goh said...

Wow beautiful cake! Happi Birthday!

Jeannie said...

Happy Birthday Joanne! Mum and you are truly blessed to have each other.You must be as sweet as honey!What a beautiful are truly a great "cake architect" Lucy!

God bless,

Anonymous said...

hihi all! thank you very much for your birthday wishes!
all the best for everyone's future endeavours too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Joanne! Mum and you are truly blessed to have each other. You must be as sweet as honey!:)
What a beautiful are truly a great "cake achitect' Lucy!

God bless,

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi jeannie,

Thanks for your sweet sweet words.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Boon Kien,

Thank you so much for your well wishes. She flew back to Perth today.


Zurynee said...

Thats a very cute cake and happy belated birthday to your dd Jo :-)

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday joanne..aunty your daughter birthday same with me..i love your blog with all the beautiful cakes..heheh u r wonderful

Aunty Yochana said...

oh masmaira,

so you are also 22? Happy belated birthday to you too.


Yuri said...

Happy Blated Bday wishes to Jo! Wish I can bake like that for my kids one day.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Yuri,

You'll definitely're still young and your kids are still so young.


n2inpink said...

hi jo,
happy belated b'day! may God bless u all the time.

my girl said u n jo looks like sister.
i agreed, u looks too young to be jo's mum.
have a blessed day!

Aunty Yochana said...

hi n2inpink,

Wow...thanks to you dear daughter...for such compliments.

Xie Xie
