Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Wholemeal Bread


Anonymous said...

hi aunty yochana:

Pandan delight fatt koh里用到santan powder,请问santan powder and coconut cream powder是否一样?
Marble Dot Roll 里的optima flour ,但我在NTUC 看到的是Optima Ready Mix ,是否是一样吗?因为包装里还有for sponge cake。谢谢你,因为我要做这2种糕点,就是不知这2种粉是否是一样的。

Madam Tan

KWF said...

aunty, how do you prevent your bread from sticking to the covered bread tin? I had a hard time trying to remove my bread even though I've greased the tin well. Do you wait for the bread to cool down completely before opening the cover and dislodging the bread? I was afraid the bread would get soggy, so I try to open it when it's out from the oven.

Unknown said...

Hi aunty yochana
This bread look fluffy n soft. Those wholemeal breads from the market is always taste so dry. It is possbile to share your recipe? I always looking forward for this recipe b'cos it healthy n it is the same wholemeal bread u bake the other time?

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi kwf,

Rule No. 1 - grease the whole tin including the cover.

Dislodge the bread straightaway when it comes out from the oven. It shouldn't stick unless the bread is uncook. Don't leave the bread inside till completely cooled, as what you've said, it will turn soggy.


Aunty Yochana said...

Dear Madam Tan,

Coconut santan powder and coconut cream powder is the same.

Optima flour and optima ready mix is also the same flour. They are for making sponge cake.


Anonymous said...

Dear aunty yochana,

Madam Tan

michelle said...

Why every body is calling you aunty? I wonder i should call you aunty too?? I am born in 1956. Please share your wholemeal bread recipe. Thank you.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Michelle,

I'm really an aunty leh.... You can call me aunty too although we are almost the same age.
