Thursday, April 03, 2008

Tunnel of Fudge Cake


Goody Egg said...

Hi Aunty,

Glad that you are back. The cake looks too delicious. I have never make chocolate fudge before, is it just butter and melted chocolate?
Do I need to add milk?

Rds, Kium ( another Hainanese )

Aunty Yochana said...

HI kium (another Hainanese *wink*)

This cake is like a pound cake with chocolate glaze or ganache on top.


Yan said...

Aunty :
i am certain if you throw out an invite to the Hainanese who would love to test your bakes, i believe your hse will be swarmed.
yan, the pure hainan ren)

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Yan,

Oh my gosh, I thought the hainanese community is very small but I seems to meet so many of us now. I Know Hainanese has a flair for cooking and's in their blood *wink*
