Friday, March 14, 2008

Egg White Honey Groundnuts Swiss Roll


Goody Egg said...

Good evening Aunty,

Another delicious swiss roll. Reminds me of your Marble Dot Roll. Are you using the same method by rolling skin in, or you remove the skin by hand and then roll on? It looks lovely.

Rds, Kium

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Kium,

I took off the skin before rolling. I want to show the groundnuts on the swiss roll skin.
This recipe is not the same as the marble dot roll. This is using egg white only.


Flying Tiger said...

wow .. these look SOO good.

could you post the recipe when you have time?? please? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy, wanna check with you if you know of any recipe book that uses only egg whites only? Thanks.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Eileen,

I will post the Egg White periplus book soon.
