Saturday, March 15, 2008

65C Chocolate Wassant

I got excited when "Yaha" msn me about Florence's 65C Breads (Do What I Like). I just couldn't wait to try this *die* *die* must do recipe. Thanks Florence for the write-up and the detailed method of baking this special was really fun...


Anonymous said...


So fast yet again.

To order from the shop @ Holland Village, we need to call at least 1day in advance, now, it's less than 24 hours since I MSN and you have it made! Amazing ~ wink ~

Keep it up !

Aunty Yochana said...

Hahaha Yaha,

It doesn't need 24 hours to make this.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Saw that you have tried out Florence's 'Chocolate Wassant', it so nice, make me hungry. Did you used 'Tang Zhong' in your dough? How is it? Did you use cake mixer or your new bread machine? I'm going hunting for a breadmaker tomorrow.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi LiYing,

i used Thangzhong. I followed florence's recipe to the T.

I used my dough hook. My bread machine is hibernating lah...
Do let know if you get a new bread machine. I think i need to buy a new one.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Will let you know if I can decide which breadmaker to buy tomorrow.


Little Corner of Mine said...

Wow, you did it! Looks really good, wish I live closer so that I can eat for free. Hahaha... :P

Anonymous said...

hi Aunty, recently I see alot of egg-white-cakes coming out from your oven! They look so delicious and healthy, which is very suitable for my parents. May I know which recipe book are you using? I want to buy them to try the recipes out because I know itis quite troublesome for u to post every single recipe, right?
I come from Ipoh,Malaysia. Can tell me where can I buy it?
Thanks in advance, aunty!
Love you! May God bless you and your family.

Yuri said...

Congrats aunty! Can save $ already and no need to make reservations!

Anonymous said...


Can I know how much does that recipe yields?

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Just came back from Carrefour. I have bought the breadmaker, Kenwood BM256 Usual $269 Now $238 if paid by POSB Mastercard enjoy 5% cash rebates. It uses plastic blade. It has almost the same funtion as the other brands. Lazy to go around hunting. So happy, I have my new toy. Will find some time to test it out and let you know how is it. Happy baking.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Shereen,

Again this will depend on the size you roll. I got about 12 pcs.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Yuri,

must make reservations meh? So laku ar...
It's pretty easy to do.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Little Corner of Mine,

You should try this ....fairly easy to do.


Aunty Yochana said...

Oh Thanks Liying.

I think Shirlyn wants to know too.


Aunty Yochana said...

Thanks LiYing,

I will go and have a look at it. Kenwood is a good brand.


Passionate About Baking said...

Hi Aunt Yochana,
You've done it again! ;) I also just saw Florence's 65C method but was too busy to try during the weekend. I must try it next week. I went to PH to buy the bread loaf pan with cover. Will wanna try the TZ method on the cheese earthquake bread. Wish me good luck! ;)

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Passionate about Baking...

Cheese Earthquake Bread?? Woah..that sounds interesting. I guess you have thin covering on top of the bread than as you bake, it an earthquake.


Yuri said...

Hi aunty, yes, the wassant is very laku, esp at Central. I have just started to make bread, must try a few more times to gain confidence before moving on to TZ.

wombat said...

hi aunty,
wow yr bread really looks so tempting! haha i wanna try this too when i am better..


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi wombat,

this is worth making. Still soft the next day.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Yuri,

Never tried buying this before. I didn't about this until I saw florence's blog.


Passionate About Baking said...

Hi Aunt Yochana,
Hahaha! That's not the way the Cheese Earthquake bread is! It's sold in Breadtalk. Ever since I know how it's baked, I don't buy from Breadtalk anymore. You may click and see a picture here: Heehee...

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi passionate about baking.

you didn't leave anything for me to click. I want to see the earthquake bread.


Passionate About Baking said...

Oops, so sorry. I guess the link didn't come out. Here is: Sorry, you'll have to copy & paste. ;p(

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochanna,

I have been a silent reader for your blog for the past few months and really impressed by your bake.

I have wasted so much money buying this wassant from Provence so I hope to be able to bake it on my own.

I read that you did not use a bread machine for making this wassant. Can you tell me the steps for making the dough part as I never tried baking bread so far?

Please email me at

Thanks in advance

Javier's mom

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Javier's Mom.

I threw everything into my cake mixer and let the dough hook do the work.

It's pretty easy..don't worry.


Unknown said...

Hi Aunty

The dough was abit moist and then to stick to my fingers. Is the dough suppose to be like this? I can't shape it properly.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi rosalynn,

At first it's sticky but as you knead...they become pliable and smooth and doesn't stick to the hands anymore.

The tip is to get "ANGRY" with the dough. Throw and slam it hard onto the table top again and again (as if to punish it) and it will listen to you.
