Ingredients for Snow Skin:
200 gm. fried glutinous rice flour
290 gm. icing sugar
65 gm. shortening
1/2 tsp. pandan paste
240 gm. pandan juice (blend water with 6 pieces of pandan leaves)
Steamed Custard:
100 gm. castor sugar
1 large egg yolk
20 gm. Hong Kong flour
20 gm. cornflour
15 gm. custard powder
50 ml. thick coconut milk
80 ml. fresh milk
1/4 tsp. salt
few drops of yellow colouring
15 gm. butter
600 gm. pandan lotus paste or plain lotus paste
10 cooked salted egg yolks
(1) Mix all the skin ingredients together in a mixing bowl and combine well into a dough. Scale at 60 gm. each portion and make into round balls.
(2) Mix all the custard filling together and stir till well blended then steam for 30 mins. After steaming, blend it till smooth and make into 30 gms. round balls.
(3) Wrap round balls with egg yolk then wrap with 60 gm. of lotus paste.
(4) Weigh about 60 gm. of skin and wrap up the lotus paste ball and press into a mooncake mould and then knock it out.
(5) Chill before serving.
Hi aunty yochana.
Wow Wow beautiful,Aunty that color is my favorite color, I love it
aunty you my hero, i never see anything like this before, i just know your blog just last month seen that day i have to see it every day and sometime coupe time a day when ever i have time i will go straigh to your blog.
Hi Aunty,
Would like to check with you where I can get Olive Seeds needed for the "Mixed Nut" mooncakes?
Also, for your Pandan Angku Kueh dough, do I pour in the glutinuous rice flour into the liquid mixture while the liquid is still hot? Or do I have to wait till the liquid is cold?
Kindly advise. Thank you.
Mui Mui
mmmmmmm this looks good...... will you share the recipe? what is the fillings?
Dear Mui Mui,
Yes pour the hot liquid into the glutionus rice flour - for pandan ang ku kueh.
You can buy olive seeds from sun lik or kwong cheong thye. In cantonese it's called "Lum Yan".
Thanks Connie.
Thanks Aunty. I've tried the pandan angku but my dough becomes very sticky & difficult to handle after I've mixed the flour with the hot liquid. What have I done wrong? & my angku "melts" out of shape after steaming. :( *sad* Need your advise again.
How's the taste of this Custard Green Tea Ping Pi skin? Is it as soft & chewy as your other ping pi skin?
Mui Mui
hi Aunty,
Can I know how long can we keep the custard filling generally? Do you have any idea.. thks..
Hi fei fei,
Generally a snow skin mooncake cannot last very long. It will turn mouldy. I think 4 - 5 days is no problem is you keep it in the fridge.
Dear ml,
Leave the wet dough aside to set before wrapping the filling or add in slightly more flour into the dough till it is pliable. Becareful not to add too much as it will make the dough hard.
The custard ping pi mooncake is very nice and soft.
Hi aunty yochana, does fried glutinuous rice flour mean fry the glutinuous rice flour or is this a type of flour that can be purchase? Sorry for sounding silly, but pandan and custard is a hit in my family, so i'm game to make this mooncake for them.
Hi Rita,
Fried Glutinous rice flour is called "Kou fun" and you can purchase it at sun lik, kwong cheong thye or phoon huat.
Hi aunty yochana,
I just know your blog this month as i wanted to learn making mooncake. WOW..... ALL your mooncake look GREAT. But why some of your sownskin mooncake need to add 'tang mien flour' and some no need? Is 'tang mien flour' same as 'hong kong flour' that selling at NTUC? n 'tang mien flour' can just added to 'kou fun' without cook?steam?fried?
Please kindly advise.
HI kitty,
the tang mien flour makes the snow skin smooth. You can steam the tang mien flour is you want but the small amount is optional.
dear aunty yo,
ask you an amateur question ah?
do i have to boil the pandan juice? would it be smell or taste like uncook /raw ?
thanks in advance
Hi aunty lucy,
this looked yummy :p I would like to check if you know where can i buy those digital kitchen scale? Is it possible to buy 1 below $20? I saw Phoon Hust selling at $30+..
Hi gossiping,
I' not too sure about prices. You can try sia huat or lau choy seng. Both are at Temple street.
Oh No N2inpink, don't boil the pandan juice. You will kill the taste and smell.
Thanks Aunty lucy.
Hi Aunty.
Connie again how are you, thank you so much to post the recipe for custard Green tea mooncake.You are a wonderful and kindness person,again thank you very much,i been looking for the mooncake mold as soon i get the mold i will try to make it right away i'm so exciting,
hi aunty, i saw the glutinous flour "kou fien" from phoon huat. may i ask, do you have to come back and fry it or is it already pre-fried? thanks alot!
Hi gillian,
no need to fry anymore. You can use it straightaway and remember not to knead too long, just well mixed will do otherwise it becomes rubbery.
I was wondering--can you ever make them without a mold?
Hi Shirin,
why not...just make it into a round ball will do. Still palatable.
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