Ingredients for biscuit base:
200 gm. oreo biscuit
80 ml. melted butter
800 gm. cream cheese
150 gm. castor sugar
5 Tbsp. sifted cornflour
1/2 tsp. Vanilla Essence
2 Tbsp. Lemon Juice
4 large eggs
130 ml. whipping cream
130 ml. Milk
100 ml. whipping cream
100 gm. dark cooking chocolate
some M & M plain chocolate candies - for decoration
(1) Blend oreo biscuits and then add in melted butter. Mix well and then press into a 9" springform cake tin. Refrigerate till harden.
(2) Beat cream cheese with sugar till creamy.
(3) Add in cornflour, vanilla essence and lemon juice.
(4) Add in eggs one at a time making sure that it's evenly mixed before the next addition.
(5) Pour in whipping cream and milk and mix till evenly mixed.
(6) Pour filling onto the prepared biscuit base and bake at 160C for about 90 mins.
Turn off oven and leave cheesecake in the oven for about 45 mins. Prop open oven and leave for another 45 mins. or till cooled. Remove cheesecake and put in the fridge to chill.
(7) For topping: microwave whipping cream and chocolate for about 45 secs. and then stir till smooth. Let stand for 5 mins. before pouring on top of the cheesecake. Sprinkle M & M chocolate candies on top. Refrigerate cake again for at least 8 hours before slicing. Serve chilled.
**Recipe adapted from the book "Crave".
This cake looks delicious and I am not just referring to the M & M's. Can you share the recipe pls?
wow, this cheesecake looks so yummy! Is this a baked or non-baked cheesecake?
Vivian, I'll try.
Cranberry, this cheesecake is baked.
aunty yochana,
You have another fan in my sister. She would love to have the recipe for this cheesecake so that I could bake it for her :)
With regards, and thank you in advance!
Thanks Lucy for the recipe.
Hi Lucy,
Thanks for posting the recipe.
Can I confirm step 7 whether is 45 seconds or mins? And what's the difference between springform tin and loose bottom tin and which is better for making cheesecake? I don't know which to buy.
Many thanks.
Thank you so much! We would definitely be making this next time we bake cheesecake, and I would tell you how it fares!
Hi Anc,
Thanks for letting me know about the microwave thing...it's secs.
There is a difference between a loose bottom tin and the springform tin. If you bake cheesecake in a loose bottom tin you have to wrap up with aluminium foil. For springform, you don't have to wrap with aluminium foil. I'm referring to chilled cheesecake but for baked cheesecakes, you have to wrap both with aluminium foil to prevent water from seeping into the cake (water bath).
Thanks for the clarification n explanation.
That cheesecake is ridiculous!! And I mean that in a good way. I admit I usually like the bottom crust more than the cheese part and most cheesecakes I've had only have a small or average amount of cheese filling. But yours is immense! I would actually devour your cheesecake because the cheesiness looks soo inviting!! No fork for me!
i love this cheese cake, look so creamy, cheesey.. and with a nice cup of coffee... i'll be in heaven! hehe...
Hi Aunty Yochana,
Need to get advice from you again, I've try your recipe, but turn out to be the cake is very hard, so what actually i should do to make my cheese cake more soft?
Thnks and rgds
Hi pauline,
if you want it softer, add in more whip cream and milk and test the consistency to your preference.
Hi Aunty,
This cheesecake looks wonderful, cheesy n smooth.
My children are cheesecake lovers, will try this out.
By the way, do we need to bake in water bath??
Hi ! Aunty, this cheesecake look wonderful, cheesy n smooth.
My children are cheesecake lovers, will defintley try this.
May i know for this cake, need to bake in water bath??
Yes Celia,
you need water bath for this. Happy baking.
Hi Aunty,
May i know the life span of this cake?
If i bake the cake on Sunday, is it still good on Wednesday?
My hubby need this cake on Wednesday but i only got time to do on Sunday.
For water bath, i find that if i sit the whole baking tin in the water,it takes very long for the bottom to be done n the top will be dark. Normally i place water on a pan n i sit the cake tin on the rack, u think this is ok?
Hi Celia,
3 days is no problem.
Normally for water bath, it's like a steaming process. Don't worry about the bottom. It will get cook after one hour in the water bath. After baking, the middle normally wobbles but leave the cake in the oven with oven door closed for half an hour before opening the door ajar to cool it. While the cheesecke is still in the oven, it will get cooked on it's own and it will turn hard and set when it's chilled.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I have tried doing this cheesecake.
I didnt use the water bath method.
I only used 750g cream cheese and i proportion the rest of the ingredients accordingly.
The cake came out to be more like a non-bake type of cheesecake.
My cake doesn't have the cake texture as per your picture.
Please advise where I have gone wrong.
thank you.
Hi susan,
the problem is that you never use water bath so it's not so creamy.
Dear Aunty, how do I reduce the recipe portions. Say if I wanna use for a 6" pan do I divide it by 3 since your pan is 9"?
Hi Maya,
Just make 1/2 recipe will do.
Dear Aunty
I am still new in making cakes but I love cheese cake and will like to try this out. However, I really don't understand water bath? You said that water bath is like steaming process. Do I steam the whole cake or just the base? When do I need to steam it? Or leaving the cake in the oven for 45 mins after it is baked is water bath? If I don't use spring form tin, how do I remove the cake from the normal round tin?
Last but not least, thanks for your great contribution on these dessert makings.
Dear Aunty
I forgot to ask another question. I do not have microwave at home. How do I do the toppings without using microwave? Can I use double boil method to cook the whipped cream and chocolate over the stove? I had tried using this method to melt chocolate for your pelican brownie. Will it work for whipped cream and chocolate as well?
Thanks again,
Hi Janice,
yes use double boiler instead of microwave, it works as well too or probably works better.
Hi Janice,
Water Bath for cheesecake:
Switch on your oven.
Place a tray of hot water in the oven.
Place your cheesecake into the tray of water and bake.
Remember to wrap up your cheesecake tin with aluminium foil to prevent water from seeping in.
Dear Aunty
I had tried this recipe but it is too creamy. Do you know how to make like taste more like a cake and not so cheesy?
Hi Janice.
then you should look for Japanese cheesecake instead...they are more cakey.
auntie, i want to ask the milk u use. which type of milk u use? is it fresh milk / evaporated full cream milk?
Hi anonymous,.
I used fresh milk. ACtually both milk can be used.
Can I check if the whipping cream used in this cake is dairy or non-dairy?
Hi anonymous,
for baked cheesecakes , better to use Dairy whip cream.
May I know do you remove the white center of the oreo biscuits?
Yes I do remove the centre cream of the oreo biscuits.
Dear Aunty,
So do I preheat the oven at 160degrees c???
Amateur Baker
Dear Aunty
Can you advise where can I get the Dairy whip cream? Any brand?
Hi Anonymous
You can get it from Sun Lik at 33 Seah Street.
Thanks Aunty. Is Millac Whipping cream from Phoon Huat acceptable?
Sorry, another couple of questions:
1) How do I double-boil the toppings?
2) If I need the cake on Sunday but I only have time to do it 3-4 days before, what is the best way to store it?
Hi Aunty Yochana,
your cake is superb! =)
but when i had baked it last night,
following your exact amt of recipe, it seemed to be quite creamy and not that cakey.
is there any ways, to reduce the creaminess by abit? as well as to make it more cakey kind? isit to increase the amt of cornflour?
cos the top came out to be quite burnt as well =(
had i done wrong to any of the recipe steps? hope your can advise, thanks! =)
Hi Aunty Yochana,
your cake is superb!
but when i had tried baking the cake last night, the result came out that
- the top was quite burnt
- quite creamy
is there any ways that you can advise?
whereby to reduce the creaminess and , is there any ways to make it more cakey instead? and to aviod the burnt top =)
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