Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Food in Chiangmai , Thailand (part 3)


Anonymous said...

Lucy, Err..is that puppy a delicacy too? (Part of your food in Chiengmai).

karlsfoodie said...

dog's meat?? tender anot since its a puppy hehe

Aunty Yochana said...

Errr..that's bonus for looking at all those yucking stuff...



Anonymous said...

Tks goodness Lucy... thought u ate that cute little fella. No way I will ever eat dog meat...

did u try those creepy creatures? heard they're full of nutrition...LOL

shiyan said...

Goodness... got a shock when I saw those erm... wormy stuff. Did you try them???

The puppy pic is really quite an "anti-climax"... BUT I like it. Ha ha. So cute. Luckily it's not meant to be a delicacy.

Aunty Yochana said...


Actually I wanted to try those creatures but I was on my way for dinner so I reserved my stomach...one day I will try them. Yes I also heard that they are very nutritious. I've seen on TV some africans in the jungle eating fresh maggots....Uugh...


Pwinncess said...

haha, i love ur last picture of the doggie looking up! :)