Friday, October 20, 2006

Pictures of Swiss Rolls baked by me:::

Opera swiss roll

Chocolate sugar roll

chocolate swiss roll

Banji roll

Pistachio swiss roll


  1. Hi aunty yochana, sorry to bother you again. Just wanna let you know that my swiss roll broke even before I start to roll. Actually this is not the first time. The other time when i made swiss roll also like that. It feels kinda heavy, not spongy and light at all, thats why it broke. Do you have any tips on making a successful swiss roll? How long do you beat the mixture then its considered light and fluffy? My swiss roll is quite thick since I couldn't get the tin size you recommended. The tin i used was smaller, hence cake after baking is thicker. And it broke :( So sad. Please advise Aunty.

  2. choo,

    Gosh...don't be sad. Practice makes perfect. You have to whisk the eggs and sugar till they are volume in size. You have to judge yourself. Your eggs must be fresh and in room temperature. I think the first step towards a good swiss roll is to bake a successful sponge cake and after that it will go on smoothly.
    I don't know what tips to give you but I also follow the recipe book like you. Guess you have to practice to make it perfect.


  3. Wow Aunty Yochana!! You're so awesome! All the stuff you make look so yummy! ^_^ That Banji roll looks especially hard to make! I hope I can one day be almost as good as you! ^_^

  4. Hi Tea,

    You will one day if you keep practising.


