250 gm. Butter
1 cup sugar
230 gm. chopped chocolate
1 1/2 cups of flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
4 eggs
2 Tbsp. cocoa powder
1 cup of roasted chopped walnuts
some chopped chocolate for sprinkling
(1) Place butter , sugar and chopped chocolate into a bowl. Sit into a pot of simmering hot water and stir till chocolate and sugar dissolves. Let it cool slightly.
(2) Add in eggs one at a time till evenly mixed and smooth.
(3) Fold in flour and cocoa powder and stir lightly with a spatula.
(4) Stir in chopped almonds.
(5) Pour into a rectangular tin 8" x 12", sprinkle some chopped chocolate on top and bake at 170 C for about 30 mins.
(6) Cool and serve with ice-cream.
hi Aunty,
this brownie looks sooo good,and you tell us the easiest dessert to serve..plz Aunty can u share the recipe plzzz,i'll be waiting..takecare.
aunty, i have a question about chiffon cakes. Ermm.. when the egg white is folded into the egg yolk mixture, many recipes say add the egg white into egg yolk. some say add yolk into the egg white.
may i know which order did you folow?white batter into yolk batter or the other way round? does it matter?
aunty, i have a question for you for chiffon making. DO you add the egg white batter into the egg yolk mixture or the other way round?
Hi Kate,
I normally add egg white into egg yolk mixture.
Hi Aunty
Your brownie look delicious..yum yum. Can you share the recipe please.
Do you have any recipe for Sugee Cake?? Would like to try for Deepavali. I tried your Tri-color Marble Cake and was delicious..every one loved it.
Thanks Aunty.:)
hi Aunty,
do u conduct lessons to eager students like me? if yes, pls reply soon.....cheers!
Hi peransanj
yes..leave your email address here and I'll contact you.
Hi Yochana,
Yum!Yum! can you share this brownie recipe with me? I would like to try to bake this as my family love brownies! If you are contacting any baking classes as such as mooncake or any, pls contact me at limclare06@hotmail.com.
Thanks and cheers,
Hi Aunt Yo,
Yes yes, your chocolate brownie looks very good. When you are free hope you can share this recipe with us. I will try to bake for my family.
Thank you.
With Love,
hi aunty,
thks for yr quick response! my email add is perasanj@hotmail.com
thks a million....
Hi, Yochanna!
Can I check what brand of chopped chocolate do you used? Could you recommend some brand?
Tks in advance.
Hi Aunty Yochana
I would like attend your baking class if you are conducting. My email address: shirlyn@singnet.com.sg
hi aunty yochana
Saw on previous comment that you do conduct lessons? Can you give me the details? I am very interested, thanks.
Dear Aunty Yochana
Please include me in your class too...
Can't get the baking right... so sad
Hope to join you
Thank you.
germainekoo@yahoo.com 97689092
me too like to attend u baking lesson, can you send me the class detail. My email ter_jan@hotmail.com.
Hello Aunty Yochana,
Hope to be able to join you for classes too, please let me know if you are conducting.
Thank you,
hortmann@singnet.com.sg 98717676
Hello aunty,
don't know if my post was sent so I make another just in case. Hope to be able to join your classes if you are conducting. Thanks.
hortmann@singnet.com.sg 98717676
Aunty Yo,
Thank you for posting your chocolate brownie recipe. May I check if I can bake this inside the 10 x 10 inch square tray instead of 8 x 12 inch?
Thank you.
With love,
Hi Jacqueline,
I think it shouldn't be a problem to use a 10" square tin.
hi aunty,
can u tell me your recipe will produce which type of brownies?
cakey / fudgy or chewy? so i will know whether i get the right result
Hi dtwhale,
it's a little fudgey and a little cakey (in the middle) but I think sometimes it depends on your eggs.
hI Aunty Yochana,
me too like to attend u baking lesson, can you send me the class detail. My email pinky_685@hotmail.com
cHEERS Regine
Hi aunty,
I always been your silent reader. I tried your recipe yesterday nite and it turned out wonderful. Thank you for sharing your recipe.
Hi Aunty,
I would love to attend your baking classes too! Do let me know when there's any.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I tried the brownie and may I ask how come only the centre of it rises and crack while the sides don't rise? Where did I gone wrong in doing it?
Aunty I received reply in email regarding your classes previously but I am unable to attend as I also had other commitments on those days.
Nevertheless, I still look forward to be able to attend any of your lessons if time and day permits.
Your blog always makes me drool and had been looking forward to more pics of your bakes.
Regards from Yinyin
Hi Yinyin,
it could be due to your oven's heat or it could be due to way you mix it.
Hi Aunty,
I see. I will definitely try again. Thanks for advice.
Regards from Yinyin
hi aunty,
do we use beater to mix the egg into the choc mixture?
Hi WL,
Just use a spatula will do.
hi aunty,
tried baking this brownies..yum yum..its delicious..
can u give any choc topping recipe that could be use with this brownies..
my email adikmanja78@gmail.com
anyway thank you so much for sharing your receipe with us..
Hi Aunty Yochana
Thanks for the brownie recipe. Can I have the measurement in gm for brownie recipe? Thanks
According to the reader, aunty yochana do conduct classes. Can I have the timetable?
Hi Aunty yochana
Can I attend your baking lessons. Pls email me the details. wee119@gmail.com
hi aunty,
why when i melt the chocolate, sugar and butter, the chocolate and the butter will eventually separate itself? i have to use the beater to beat it becos the sugar was not dissolving too...
Hi Yochana,
I made the Chocolate brownies and it turn out very well and I took some for My ex-schoolmates gathering and everybody likes it cos' it's so rich and moist. They even asked me to email your recipes to them. I am very very happy that I am able to try out the recipes that you have shared. I am really grateful and thankful to you for your unselfishness to share with us.
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