Any chocolate sponge cake - cut to fit in a size 10" x 7" cake tin.
Ingredients (I):
400 ml. fresh milk
50 gm. sugar
1 pkt Rose brand agar agar powder
100 gm. egg white
50 gm. sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
30 gm. dark cooking chocolate - melted
1 tsp. chocolate paste
200 gm. fresh milk
50 gm. hot water
1/2 Tbsp. Instant Jelly
50 gm. sugar
10 gm. cocoa powder (mix with the above hot water and stir till smooth)
30 gm. dark cooking chocolate
1 tsp. agar agar powder
(1) Prepare cake and fit into a 10" x 7" tin.
(2) Boil milk, sugar, agar agar powder together till boiling.
(3) Whisk egg white with sugar till frothy and then pour in hot agar agar mixture directly into the beating egg white.
(4) Divide mixture into 2 parts. Add in melted chocolate into one portion and stir evenly. Have to mix quickly as it sets very fast.
(5) Scoop white and chocolate portion alternately onto the prepared cake. Let it semi-set.
(6) Boil all the topping together , stir all the time to prevent lumpy mixture.
(7) Pour topping onto the set egg white agar agar and let it set before putting into the refrigerator.
(8) Serve chilled and decorate as desired.
For sponge cake, any type of sponge is acceptable but here is a recipe which you may want to try:
130 gm. Butter
40 gm. cocoa powder
10 egg yolks
5 egg white
125 gm. sugar
1 tsp. Ovalette
125 gm. cake
1/8 tsp. salt
(1) Melt butter then add in cocoa powder and mix till smooth.
(2) Whisk eggs, salt, sugar and ovalette till fluffy and thick.
(3) Add in sifted flour and mix till combined.
(4) Fold in melted butter mixture.
(5) Pour into cake tray of your choice.
(6) Bake till cooked.
Hello Aunt Yochana, I visited ur blog very frequently and have also bake quite a few of ur recipes.
They are turn out really great!
Can i pls also have the recipe to this mouth watery pudding?
Aunty, beautiful pudding! The bottom is sponge cake with pudding in the middle? What about the top?
This looks like a very lovely piece for guest for my upcoming housewarming party! Is the centre layer marbled cheese? What about the top? I guess for the bottom layer can be any type of moist choc cake? Thanks for sharing this.
Hi Joanna,
The centre layer is made of egg white marshmallow....Whisk the egg white and pour in hot agar agar.
The top is a layer of chocolate aagar agar.
Hello Aunty,
This chocolate marble pudding looks so beautiful! would you please share the recipe??
Hi Aunty
Can I have the recipe?
hello aunty yochana
i discovered ur blog last month and everyday i have been visitng without fail. i hve tried some of the cake recipes and cookies - all taste wonderful. could you pls share this recipe as i wil be having a party soon for my son's birthday end of this month?? thank u so much
hello aunt y
can i have the recipe to this mouth watery cake
Dear Aunty,
What is chocolate paste? If I don't have ovalette for the sponge cake, can I just omit it? Do I need substitute it with anything else? Thanks for sharing your recipe!!
Hi alison,
Omit the chocolate paste if you don't have.
Try this sponge instead: You can omit ovalette for this recipe.
Whisk all together except the cornoil.
250 gm. chocolate optima flour
4 eggs
1 tsp ovalette or SP
70 ml. water
70 gm. cornoil
Hi Aunty,
This looks really lovely!
Thanks for sharing the recipe :)
Hello Aunt Yochana>
Thank you very much for posting the recipe of this delicious dessert.
hi aunty, your blog is great,best recipes;easy 2 follow!thanks..
Hi Aunt Yochana
I tried this recipe today but the setting on the top actually melt the middle layer! the middle layer was semi set when i pour the top over it. They egg white is very fluffy, could it be the problem? another thing is the layers dont stick together, any tips for this?
Hi Kim,
I think your middle layer is still warm and soft and that is why it melted away. Let it be more than half set and it will solve your problem.
PL can you specify how many grams is 1 packet or agar powder or can u use gelatine instead so how much would that be since we do not get agar powder here only the gulaman bars, i want to try this out this weekend,
Carol from the middle east
Hi zhoran,
1 pkt rose brand agar agar = 13 gm.
No cannot use gelatine but I think you can use gulaman.
Hi aunty, what is instant jelly? Is it powdered gelatine?
Hi Lara,
gelatine is not instant jelly.
Instant jelly helps to set the jelly fast.
hi again aunty,
Thanks for your reply. Where then can i get this instant jelly?
Hi Lara,
get it from Sun Lik...they sell most of the ingredients that you need.
Hi aunty, how do i join or layer the pudding and cake together? Please explain. Ur help is greatly appreciated.
Hi Sarah ,
you pour in layer by layer when it's hot.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I'm not very good with making sponge cake, can I replace the sponge cake with chocolate cake?
Hi aunty how do you make the chocolate topping as the instructions above are for the marble topping? Also, do we need both agar-agar and jelly powder for the chocolate topping?
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