Ingredients for centre filling:
250 gm. coconut milk
30 gm. brown sugar
1 tsp. agar agar powder
100 gm. boiled red beans - mashed
few drops of pink colouring
To make mock jelly egg yolks:
Boil them together and pour into small rounded ice cube moulds and let it set.
1/2 tbsp. agar agar powder
350 ml. water
50 gm. sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
1 tsp. instant jelly
2 Tbsp. evaporated milk
few drops of orange colouring
Ingredients for Pastry Ingredients:
500 gm. Thin coconut milk
90 gm. sugar
8 gm. agar agar powder
few pieces of pandan leaves
100 ml. thick coconut milk or evaporated milk
2 tsp. Green tea powder
100 gm. Fresh cream
(1) For fillings, boil all the ingredients together and pour into small cup moulds to set. Put a piece of egg yolk agar agar into the center of the jelly. Let it to set. When set, remove from mould and set aside.
(2) For the pastry ingredients, boil thin coconut milk with sugar, pandan leaves and agar agar powder till sugar dissolves.
(3) Add in thick coconut milk , green tea powder and fresh cream.
(4) Pour some green tea jelly mixture into mooncake moulds and let it semi-set. Place the filling on top of the half set green tea agar agar.
(5) Pour the balance green tea agar agar on top of the filling till full.
(6) Let it set and chill in the fridge before serving.
Wah Aunty Yo, look at the beautiful filling! Are those gigantic red beans you used, or you made these mooncakes into mini versions? If these are full-sized mooncakes, how can red beans be so big one?! Aiyoh, they must be really yummy!
Can share this recipe?
Heheh, I still remember the chendol agar-agar mooncake you made last year, and how my friends and family enjoyed the jelly mooncakes using that recipe! :)
:O OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG I want to try that.
I get to eat mooncake every time the moon festival rolls around, but it is always the standard one with lotus paste. I've never tried ones made with other flavors. *_*
i'm a new reader of your blog and am totally fascinated by your mooncake..
do you sell them? looks delicious and i want to try =p
Hi aunty,
Can you post the recipes for this mooncake in your website? I enjoyed your blog but I think you can add more recipes in your 'Recipes by category' cos I have seen them all and I would love to see more new ones. Thanks and appreciated.
Hi aunty,
Can you post your mooncakes recipes into your 'Recipes by category'? I love your blog and I think your recipes needs to be updated cos I have read them all. Thanks and appreciated.
Dear Auntie,
I just came into your blog.... amazed with you creativity and talent. Would be glad to be able to attend your classes, if any. Looking at your postings, I can only say that you are a GREAT and GENEROUS auntie.
hi bluecrystal,
They are the normal big mooncake size and not the mini ones.
Hi Aunty,
Very nice! Do you take orders? Really love to try these.
Can u share with us how to create make the effect such that the green skin wraps the red bean which in turns wraps the yolk?
Hi Aunty,
Do you mind to post the Chendol Agar agar mooncake recipe again, because I encountered problem getting into that page? Sorry to trouble you!
HI anonymous
are you referring to this agar agar mooncake or the baked mooncakes?
For agar agar you have to prepare your egg yolks first then make the filling and then let it set. The final part is putting them together into the mould. First you pour some agar agar into the mooncake mould and let set slightly, put in your filling and pour the balance agar agar and fill it to the brim.
what is suar?
Thank You & GBU
I noticed that all your desserts' shape came out from the mould perfectly, how to make it like that?Please advice....
Thank You and GBU
My jelly (esp. those made using gelatin) sometimes sticks to the molds. How did you get yours out so nice, esp. with those patterns still intact? You are so creative!
aunty,i just want to clarify with you...
1. the thin coconut milk is made up of how many ml of thick coconut milk and how many ml of water??
2. 8 gm of agar-agar powder equals how many teaspoon??
sorry for the many questions。..
Hi Aunty
How many mooncake does this recipe yeild?
I need to buy some moulds.
Dear Yochana,
Would it be possible for you to post a picture of the small mould that you use for the filling?
I really do not know what to use. Can I just do the filling in a big square pan & then cut to size when it is set?
Aunty Yochana,
One more question. What fresh cream are you using? Can I use whipping cream?
Hi Emily,
As whipping cream will do. I used those that has a 35% fat content called Elle Vire.
Hi Emily,
I've already posted the chwee kueh mould for making the filling under the mooncake category.
Hi su,
1 tsp. = 5 gm. of agar agar powder.
thin coconut milk use 50 gm. pkt of santan powder and add in about 400 ml. of water.
don't use gelatine powder. It definitely sticks. You must use the Rose Brand agar agar powder.
Hi Racheline,
Are you talking about jelly? I used a skewer to loosen the side and it will drop down onto the table.
Hi Rachaeline,
OMG...typo error. Suar...meant to type "sugar".
I meant agar2 and cakes, i usually make agar2 and cakes (chiffon cakes and other cakes), i have problems getting them out of the mould. I see that yours came out perfectly, nice shape. I tried to put the agar2 mould in the warm water, but still hard to take it out and the shape are not perfect. How to do it??
Thank You and GBU
How many does this recipe yields?
Hi May,
I think at least 10 - 12 pcs.
Hi Aunty,
Where can i get the small rounded ice cube moulds?
Hi ,
go to the shelves that sells ice-cube trays. It should be 2 pieces into 1.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
If i'm health conscious and I do not wish to add coconut milk, can I just use water? I do not like milk. Must I add more agar agar powder to make it thicker? Thanks.
Hi Mindy,
Water does not give you a nice colour. You can opt for soya bean milk instead.
Hi Aunty,
Can i use red bean paste instead for the fillings?
Hi Mei,
The colour will not be nice and your fillings will become oily.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
May I know where can I buy rounded ice cube moulds. I searched high and low in Singapore but still cannot find any? Pls help!
hi blua,
Have you tried Sun Lik and Phoon Huat or some giant hypermart?
Hi Aunty Yo
Can I know what is instant jelly & where can I get them?
Thks so much!
hi cwongst,
You can buy instant jelly from Sun Lik or Phoon Huat. They help to set your agar agar faster.
Aunty Yochana
I think there is a typo error on the amount of sugar required for pastry skin.
oops sorry HSL, it's should be 90 only.
aunty wat's the diff between instant jelly & agar-agar powder...
can i used instant jelly powder if i have no agar-agar powder?
will it make any difference?
no...agar agar powder is a must.
the instant jelly helps in setting faster..
Been looking around. Sick of the traditional & snow skin mooncakes. This year will try something new to make jelly mooncakes.
So basically we need 3 molds(egg yolk, filling & skin? egg yolk ingredients pretty standard. if i want say mango, durian flavoured mooncake? what should the filling be like?
Hi Aunty Yochana, I tried this recipe last night, but after unmoulding, the skin was too soft, it broke :(
I think there wasn't enough agar agar powder.
8g is 2tsp right? Or should I use more?
hi aunty yochana, thanks for sharing this recipe, love it and gonna try making it. :)
where can i buy the mould? please email me at megcel@rocketmail.com THANKS!
From meg
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