Ingredients for tart dough:
120 gm. butter
25 gm. egg
45 gm. sugar
250 gm. plain flour
1/2 tsp. vanilla essence
(1) Rube butter into flour till it resemble breadcrumbs.
(2) Add in sugar, vanilla essence and egg and mix into a pliable dough.
(3) Rest dough for 20 mins.
(4) Press dough into tart mould and bake in the oven at 175C for 20 mins or till golden brown.
Filling: Mix together:
50 gm. instant custard
125 gm. fresh milk - cold
100 gm. whipped cream
100 gm. fresh raspberries cooked with 2 Tbsp. sugar + 2 Tbsp. water and thicken with a little cornflour water (2 tsp. cornflour + 1 Tbsp. water)
some melted chocolate for brushing tart shell
(1) Brush melted chocolate onto the base of the baked tart shell.
(2) Scoop filling into tart shell.
(3) Arrange raspberries on top and then chill in the fridge before serving.
Hi Yochana,
Wher can i find instand custard?
Btw, do you have fruits tart receipe?
Hi winnie,
You can buy instant custard at Sun Lik or Phoon Huat.
Instead of raspberry, you can use mix fruits and that will be fruit tart recipe. You can make mini ones for parties.
Hi Aunty Yochana
For the 100g whipped cream in the filling, do I whip the whipping cream first, then add to the custard?
Hi Andrea,
You have to whip up the whipping cream.
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