Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tropical Tree Jelly


Carrie said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,

Haha, this jelly is so cute!


Anonymous said...


This is cute and it reminds me of the eraser I used to have when I'm in school. The kind where the bottom is white and there's another thinner layer, usually in green on top of the white. There's pictures on the white part and I normally poke them with pencil :)

Aunty Yochana said...

hahaha yaha

true does looks like eraser.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy,

I've the same thoughts as Yaha. The cute jelly really brings back fond memories of the eraser I used during my primary school days hahaha.


Snooky doodle said...

how cute !!!

Pudgy Mummy said...

Hi Yochana

the jelly looks so pretty. And don't be too affected by Anonymous' comments. Just want to let you know that I really appreciate that you are sharing your recipes with everyone. :)

Anonymous said...

This also looks like Chawanmushi !
Anw aunty did you add flavourings? like red for strawberry..

Family First said...

For sure this is another recipe you will be teaching in class right? So we dont need to ask if you can share the recipe right?

ann low said...

Hello Aunty,

Can you tell me where can I get all these cute agar agar mould??


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Anncoo

I bought it from K.L, Malaysia.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Family First

I don't think I'11 be teaching this. It's the mould that is important so there is nothing to teach. All agar agar has the same ingredients. It's only the setting and how to use the mould.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi the swit

I did not add in any flavourings but you can do so if you want to.

e.g. for red you can use strawberry paste.


Aunty Yochana said...

Thanks Pudgy mummy for your kind words.


ann low said...

Hello Aunty
Sorry to bother u again. Can I have the name and address of this shop in KL.
thank you so much.
my email address is

Family First said...

Oh i c ... this one uses special mould? Cool, I am in KL ... perhaps you can share with us how the mould looks like? Sometimes I visit BWY and I see lots of stuff but dont know what they are used for .. silly me.

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Family first

So now you know how to use it and what's it's for....


Carrie said...

Hi Aunty Yochana,

Haha, so you use a special mould for this jelly, silly me.. I tot that you cut out the shapes individually and assemble them together.. Hehe..
