Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sweet Corn & Cendol Layer Kuih


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty!!

Can I know when is your next macaron class scheduled???

Please email me at

Thanks Aunty. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Auntie,
I am an avid fan of your blog and have tried out some of your recipes. Thanks for sharing. I recently made the pandan chendol kuih and my pandan layer is very soft and wet even though I steamed it longer. Can you check the portion of the tapioca flour given in your recipe since it seems low compared to the one for the chendol layer. The overall taste is great just the pandan layer is not hard enough to set. Also I am interested in attending your classes so please e-mail to me at when you have info. Thanks in advance.
Beginner's Luck

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Beginner's Luck

I've sent an email to you if I'm not mistaken and made the necessary changes. I put in the wrong amount of coconut milk in the pandan layer. so sorry..


silverrock said...

Wow this looks amazing! I love cendol, I must make this!!

Anonymous said...


Received your e-mail. Thanks and don't be sorry we all make mistakes. I will give it another try. Also thanks for info on classes. Will attend if time permits.
Take care,
Beginner's Luck

Anonymous said...

Hi aunty,
Can i have this recipe? pls email mi. Thank You!

evelyn chia

obat pemutih herbal alami said...

mg makin sukses..