Monday, February 23, 2009

Chocolate Lava Cake


ProgrammerWifeDaughterSister said...

ooooohh my godd~~~~~

deliciousssssssslyyyyy loookiinnggg~~~

can i have the recipe pleaasseee...

Pudgy Mummy said...

Wow! How did you bake it such that the choc melts and oozes out when you cut the cake?

yes...please...please...share your secret. :)

Anonymous said...

recipe pls!

Anonymous said...

gosh! you must be kidding... the greatest sin of all - lava cake!
there goes my diet plan n here comes my choc cravings!

haha... :)

Charmz Closet said...

Hi aunty

please post recipe


Anonymous said...

hi aunty lucy! I'm drooling as i see this lava cake! I tried baking it once, but my chuc inside came out still in a piece. :P may i know what kind of choc do you use for the middle?

Anonymous said...

This look so yummy!!!

Aunty, can you please share the recipe?

Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

Yess!! post the recipessss...tks..:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

It is so reallllllly looks good and delicious with the choc oozing out from the cake......

Can you share the recipe?

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! The lava cakes looks soooooo....yummylicious!

Aunty, can share your receipe please.....

Anonymous said...

Hi aunty,

It really looks yummy with the choc oozing out.. I am drooling.. :) Could u share this recipe with me please?

A lil request, may i also ask for the purple sweet potato with santan kueh recipe?

Thanks alot!

Warm regards,


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Aunty, your lava cakes looks so yummylicious......Can you share the receipe please.

Anonymous said...

hi aunty,
can share the recipe? very yummy....


Anonymous said...

noticed aunty has been more selfish with her recipes of late already...and been trying to ask people to pay for her classes instead =( poor students will not be able to afford her sky high rates

Anonymous said...

Dear Yochana,

I am an avid fan and although I dont bake I love drooling over your bakes. I hope you will not take to heart anonymous' comment about being selfish. You have every right to keep special recipes for your classes. Looking forward to more of your masterpieces.


Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Sharon,

Thank u so much for your kind understanding. Actually I wanted to post this recipe cos there's nothing special about this recipe and it's more on skill. But after what she said , I put that thought on hold cos no matter what you do, there always always someone like her.

For your info and for all my students who knows me, I have put my classes on hold because I don't want them to spend too much money on classes although I receive emails asking me about classes.

As for sky high rates?? Mmm...I think I don't make after calculating my practice of perfecting the recipe then passing on to students and of course not mentioning my hi-tea and big portions for them to bring home. I like my students to bring home enough for their family to try too..

Well, this anonymous has not attend any of my class before so she can't understand.

Sharing recipes??? I try my best to share and most of them I cannot post for fear of copyright. As for my classes, the recipes I taught are from my early years of learning and which I will never post in my blog.

Hope this clears "Anonymous" doubt and accusations.

Have a nice day.


Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

I seriously think u need to find other hobbies or diversions in your life. Please do not leave such comments on other ppl's blog. Especially if u dun know dat person well. what aunty said is true, u obviously hv not attended in any of her classes before. (If u do, feel free to approach me) I'll be very glad to "entertain" u

Hi Aunty, Long time no see. Dun 4get to email me & 'S' for classes once ready k.. take care aunty & ignore poor Anonymous..

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous,

If there are people who are willing to pay to learn a skill from this specially talented lady who's passionate about what she does, I suppose there is nothing more to be said.

Having said that, the copyright issues are real and she is just protecting herself from legal problems. If the recipes can be shared, I'm sure she shares it willingly, as can be seen from all the recipes she posts on her blog.

Let's learn to be gracious to one another instead of leaving petty comments on other people's blog.

Aunty Lucy: I'm looking forward to learning from you soon ! :)

Aunty Yochana said...

Hi Nur,

it's true what you said too...

You have attended my classes whereas she has who's right??

Anyway, so sorry to hold back the classes...guess I will have it around mid-April cos I'm going to visit my daughter. Come visit me lah if you miss me.

I will email u and "S" as soon as the schedule is out.


Aunty Yochana said...

oh thanks Triy, see ya.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Don't be disheartened by the comments given.
You can never satisfy ones expectation. The most important thing is that you are happy and feel the joy to teach those are willing to learn regardless the price cost.

Regards ~ Mamz ~

Aunty Yochana said...

oh thanks Mamz...


Anonymous said...

Dear Yochana

I can say that you are a very generous and helpful lady. I have attended your class once and found it very enriching. Besides, when I encountered some doubts on the method of doing the eclairs, I simply dropped you an email and you readily replied to me even though I have learnt it a few months back. You are not at all selfish!


Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous

You said:

noticed aunty has been more selfish with her recipes of late already...

My comments:
Aunty Yochana has been such a wonderful lady, always updating cakes for our pleasure. Tried image having to work, bake cakes and upload them on-line and also answer queries.. so much effort has been put in. Well she is not selfish at all. Can't you see the kind of effort she has put in? So what do you mean she is selfish?

You said:
and been trying to ask people to pay for her classes instead =( poor students will not be able to afford her sky high rates

My Comments:
I believe this is something of a mutual understanding. If you want more knowledge, then you paid for it. Just like if you want to earn a degree, then pay for the course and get the papers. Sky high rate? Well if you can't afford it then don't attend or save enough money to do so. Why be like a fox and accuse that the grapes on the tree are sour?

Sorry Aunty Yochana, me very "chiong hei" but I can't stand people who post silly things like that in your post lor!!


Aunty Yochana said...

Oh thanks Olivia for being cheong hei but you've made your point and you're very understanding.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy,

My earlier posting must have gone astray....anyways
your affordable classes are very much appreciated by me.You teach with so much enthusiasm. You've been such a kind and generous person and a great hostess!

Where in S'pore do you get to attend a baking class with a complimentary High Tea and generous helpings of cakes to bring home?

Annonymous should take a look at your Cake Index and count the number of recipes you've given so unselfishly.

Looking forward to your "akan datang" classes and also to buy your macarons, hahaha, yeow kwee me. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy,

Do enjoy your visit to your girl, hope to join your class in mid-April, please do let me know ..:P my email Thanks.

P.S. Don't bother about the "BIG-MOUTH" or "FOUL" mouth.

Your fellow hainanese ah-mai,

Anonymous said...

For anon February 24, 2009 8:55 PM,

If you think Aunty is selfish, why dont you just leave? She dont charge anyone for viewing her blog, she dont owe anyone recipes. Besides more there are over 1000 more other webs with recipes.

"and been trying to ask people to pay for her classes instead" ; Hello, of course you need to pay for classes/lessons !What are you exactly pinpointing at?! Youre probably a 14 year old kid with no common knowledge thats why you just camp behind the screen hoping tht the reverse method might work. Well, sadly to say tht not everything will work in this way. & lastly, I must commend you on hiding your pathetic identity, at least youre smart enough to do so.

Anonymous said...

Dear Aunty,

You have a good break and reunion with your daughter!!

I pray for your safe trip.

God Bless

Anonymous said...

Nur: if you do not like what you are reading you can choose not to read it. I dont think you have any right to tell others what comments to leave & what not to.Its open to all anyway. Find a better hobby to diverse thie *interest* of telling others what to do or what not to fits u better.

Aunty Yochana said...

Oh Yeow Kui jeannie, thanks for your kind words and consolation. I really appreciate. Those are the words that BK used to tell me.
I will see you again.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty,

Appreciate if you could add me in on your class schedules. Would love to attend your classes if time and cost permits. I just love your cakes and i've tried some of your recipes... And it was a success... hehehehe...


Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous,'s good to know that u indeed have some sarcasm there somewhere in you. At least we all here knows that u're

Aunty, u enjoy yr trip there & looking forward to your classes updates. Send our regards to Mak & Kakak 4 us k. Miss them too lah

Aunty Yochana said...

H anonymous (you don't even have a name? ),

Please do not come to my blog anymore to attack other fan bloggers. Please leave quietly. I can hunt u down if you continue leaving abusive words in my blog. You have to watch what you'er saying in internet. We know of one young girl like u who leaves nasty remarks in others blog. She was caught up by the now we don't see or hear of her anymore. There are more but I don't want to reveal how ugly it has become for her.
So please stay clear of trouble.

Anonymous said...

Jummy! :D

Anonymous said...


You referred yourself as "poor student", are you still in school ? If so, then I don't know why are you not revising your school work (so that you can excel in school) but choose instead to leave undesirable comments on Aunty Yochana's blog.

It's really uncalled for. If you are serious about what you wrote, shouldn't you be leaving your name behind so that Aunty can address you properly. If you have been asking for recipes and got no response, did it ever cross your mind that it's because you didn't leave a name ? It's basic courtesy. If you are asking for some "freebie", at least have the courtesy to put a name to your request and end it with "Thank You".

I noticed that there are alot of requests for recipes and all just use "anonymous", some don't even have the courtesy to end the request with "Thank YOU". See the comment on this page at 8.29pm on 23 Feb. In fact, there are more than 1 who didn't end with "Thank you" or leave behind a name. Scroll through this page and there are so many of such people around.

Yes, times are very bad, but this is not the way to go about asking for free things.

To all those who signed off as "Anonymous" and asking for this recipe, please use Google and key in "Chocolate Lave Cake", you will have tons of them popping out.
And you can choose which ever you fancy and try them.

I've always been telling Aunty Yochana that by charging the rate that she is charging and the amount of food that each student brings home, she is paying out of her own pocket by conducting the classes !
Each student not only get to bring home big portion of the cakes taught but there's also a generous spread of Hi-Tea items that most students packed home ! And these students really bring huge boxes to bring home !

If you want examples of sky high prices for baking class, try looking at :-

These 2 places don't give big portion of taught items for students to bring home and neither do they have a generous spread of High Tea items (cakes, jelly, kuehs, bread) for students to pack home enough to feed a whole family.

So please don't come here any more.

It's a long post, Aunty Yochana, but I can't help by stating facts which this nuisance is ignorant of.

Have a good break visting your daughter and I know (and many of us here) that I will miss your picture perfect bakes badly :)

Cookie said...


I have never attend Aunty Yochana's class due to conflict of schedule. But my friends who have attended told me that she is a very pleasant and generous lady who is more than willing to share her baking knowledge.

Her rates are really reasonable, and in my opinion, barely cover her time, baking materials and utilities etc. And it surely unsustainable if not her passion and love in baking!

BTW, I ever requested for certain recipes in the past but didn't get either. I can't blame her/anyone cos no blogger is obliged to share recipe. Imagine the time and effort it takes to type it out!!!

Anonymous, stop being childish to make unfounded remarks.

Anonymous said...

Its an open post I say what I feel honestly.if idiots like Nur.Cookie etc has an issue with it then blind ur eyes & not read~ Simple as that ~

Anonymous said...

hi auntie yochana,i love the chocolate melting from the muffin,plssss can u share the recipe with me?

Anonymous said...

hi aunty yochana....can i haf the recipe look so lovely n delicious....can u email the recipe 2 thank u my dear aunty....

anak ahmad no3 said...

Hai aunty..

Me n my friend FeryFarah are very interested to know how you bake this muffin....

Actually we are going to take cupcake class this month... hoping that you could send us the sharpen our skills in baking cupcakes/muffin...

Please share your recipe..

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Yochana

I'm a chocolate lover and your Chocolate Lava cake looks delicious. Can share the receipe, pls?
