Friday, February 27, 2009

Almond and chocolate chip cookies


Anonymous said...

hi aunty,

may i ask? where are the chocolate chips? are they white?

cause,usually when you see these cookies,they are full of milk/dark chocolate chips. I was peering at the pics trying to find them.hahaha.

or are those almond nibs that i spy? im confused ;)

Aunty Yochana said...

hi ling're like FBI, the chocs are green in colour and browner colour are almond nibs.


Anonymous said...

hi aunty

now u have me peering at the pic to spot the green chips from the almond.hahaha.....
are they green white choc?(did you understand tat?)anyway,love the mystery.haha
am an ardent fan.can't wait to see your pics everyday.moving to tampines anytime soon,aunty? can help you move.wink..wink