Ingredients for Sponge cake:
5 eggs
100 gm. sugar
120 gm. cake flour
1/4 tsp. vanilla essence
a pinch of salt
90 gm. cornoil or melted butter
500 gm. Yam - steam and mashed into puree
100 gm. sugar
300 gm. fresh milk
50 gm. butter
50 gm. santan powder (coconut powder)
300 gm. whipped cream
(1) Sponge cake: Whisk eggs and sugar with high speed until light and fluffy.
(2) Fold in flour and cornoil.
(3) Pour into an 8" square pan and bake at 175C for about 30 to 35 mins.
(4) Slice cake into 3 layers.
(5) To make filling: melt butter and sugar over medium heat till sugar is dissolved. Add in yam puree, coconut powder and milk. Stir till almost dry. Leave to cool.
(6) Place 1 layer of sponge cake onto a cake board.
(7) Spread 300 gm. yam mixture on top and spread till evenly distributed.
(8) Cover the yam mixture with a layer of sponge cake.
(9) Spread cake with 100 gm. of whipped cream.
(10) Cover with the 3rd layer of sponge cake. Spread some whipped cream on top.
(11) Stir the balance 100 gm of whipped cream with the balance yam mixture. Spoon into piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle and pipe on top of cake.
(12) Chill in fridge. You can decorate the cake with some sieved cocoa powder if you like.
Hi Aunty yochana,
can you kindly share this recipe w me? Cos my dad like yam very much, wanna make for him. Thanks!
My email add is ow_liwei99@hotmail.com
Hi aunty,
Will you be sharing this recipe? My daughter and I love anything with yam. Thanks! My email is dsyian@hotmail.com
Hi Yochana,
What happened to the fork in the third picture??
anyway, this is one cake I'd love to sink my fork into... I made a yam cake for someone's birthday using the cooked yam filling but it turned out rather pastey instead of smooth & fluffy(Y3K cookbook)... maybe because I used cornstarch instead of hoen kwee flour?? But to my surprise I was told it was very delicious, I guess they were just being nice..*grin*
Hi aunty,
Don't mind share with mi too.Thanks!
my email :ciboycute@yahoo.com.sg
Oh Yam Cake!! I die for this!!Can aunty kindly share this recipe!!! Yumm Yummmmm...Thank you!!
hi aunty yochana,
can share this recipe wif me?i love anything that has to do wif yam. thanks:)
I would love to have this recipe too if you could be so kind. thanks. from mel melena.yeong@hotmail.com
Hi Aunty,
Would love to try this yam cake out for my hubby bday. he loves yam. please please please share the recipe for this gorgeous cake. i m sure it taste as good as it looks!. Thanks heaps
my email add is dotfang@gmail.com
Hi Aunty, I'll really be keen to try this as well if you don't mind sharing the recipe with me too. You can email it to me at pretty_petite_32@yahoo.com.sg. Thanks so much for considering. Cheers, Dana
Hi Dana,
the yam cake recipe is already posted . Check it out from the cake index.
Hi Aunty Yo,
Can advise this yam recipe is under what title? I could not find it in your cake index.
Sotong Esther
Hi Aunty Yo,
Thanks so much for the recipe=)
Sotong Esther
Thanks Aunty Yochana for sharing this yam cake, cant wait to try!
I got one problem about the coconut powder. I dont use much of it and buying a whole packet might waste it. May I know what it the substitute? Can I use coconut milk instead? If so, how much should I use? Thanks!
Hi melissa,
yes you can use coconut milk. If you have leftover coconut powder, you can use it for cooking curry too.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
Could I use self rising flour to substitute for cake flour? Is cornoil the normal cooking oil? Pureed Yam.. can I use frozen pureed yam which has not been cooked or steam?
Thank you very much.
Hi Peaches
If you use sr flour, you have to omit the baking powder.
cornoil is a normal cooking oil.
Steam your raw frozen yam then mash it and that's yam puree.
Tks for the recipe. Can I use golden pumpkin instead of yam?
Hi anonymous
yes you can use golden pumpkin instead.
hi aunty yochana
thanks for sharing the recipe with us:)but i've some queries to make rgding the steps of making the yam filling..
1)the 300g whipped cream is for the whole of 1st layer n outer layer only right?need e whipped cream for the mixing for filling(2nd layer)?cos u onli mentioned 2 times of 100g whipped cream.
2)if i were to sub coconut pwd to coconut milk, how much shld i use?
Hi Michelle,
There was some whipped cream being spread on the top upper most layer, if you think you won't be using 100gm for that, u can cut down another 50 gm. making it a toal of 250 gm. only.
If you use coconut milk, cut down fresh milk to 250 gm.
Hi aunty,
Lovely cake. I noticed that this recipe uses cake flour but there is no baking powder added in the recipe shared. Is it a typing error as your reply to one of the bloggers that if self-rising flour is use,omit baking powder? Hope you can advice. Thanks again.
Hi Eva,
sorry for the confusion.
For this sponge cake we don't need any baking powder. Actually sponge cake with this method does not require baking powder. it's eggs and sugar whisking method which incorporates air inside. When u fold in the flour, make sure you don't deflate it.
Hi Aunty Yochana
Muack Muack... two lovely pat on your cheeks. Tks for sharing the recipe. I have actually hunt high and low for the recipe and am so glad that you have posted it here.
oh Olivia
No wonder my cheeks were wet for a moment.
hello yochana, i can't find cake flour here, can i use other flour to substitute?
hi anonymous
any flour will do. Get the All-purpose flour.
hi aunty
can i omit the coconut powder?
for the sponge cake, can i use machine instead? will it turn out hard and not "airy"?
Hi anonymous
for the sponge cake, i used machine and for coconut milk powder, you can omit but it will not taste nice.
Can i have egg tart receipe?My email n msn s whynnechan83@hotmail.com
Dear Aunty Yochana
May I know any substitute to fresh milk? & do you have Durian cake recipe?
Dear Aunty Yochana,
I tried making the sponge cake but after I baked it, it did not raise up to b light & fluffy, it turn out to b dense like kueh lapis. Im not sure wher I did wrong.
Hi Aunty,
Just wanted to check the whipped cream for the filling is the whipped cream in a can or is it whipping cream? I'm a bit confused about all the different types of creams, hope u can help. Thanks!
Great recipe here! Thank you so much for sharing the recipes Aunty Yochana :) You are so talented! I tried baking last week and my colleagues love it!
hi Yochana,
Will bake this cake soon..looks yummy! ^^ but for the yam filling, can i omit the butter bcos my hb don't take butter. tq
Hi Yochana,
Thanks for the recipe,it is very nice...my family like this yam cake very much.
Hi Auntie
My husband would love this yam cake. Can you share the recipe with me?
Thank You!
It's an elegant beautiful cake. Can you please share the recipe with me? My email is sotrueso@gmail.com wanna make this for my sis bday next week!
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