Ingredients for sponge cake:
5 egg yolks
100 gm. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup corn oil
1 tsp. vanilla essence
170 gm. cake flour
2 tsp. baking powder
5 egg white
1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
100 gm. sugar
150 gm. plain Yoghurt
100 gm. sugar
18 gm. gelatine powder dissolved in 1/4 cup water
300 gm. Dairy whipped cream
1 cup mangoes - cut into cubes
(1) For cake: Mix ingredients (A) and stir till smooth.
(2) Whisk (B) till stiff , then fold in (A) , pour into a 9" round tin and bake for about 45 mins. or more or till cooked. Remove from oven and leave to cool completely on a cooling rack. Slice into 3 layers.
(3) For filling: Microwave gelatine mixture till gelatine dissolves.
Mix yoghurt with sugar, gelatine mixture and mango cubes. Fold in whipped cream.
(4) Place a layer of cake into a cake ring. Spread 1/2 of the filling on top then top up with another layer of cake. Pour balance 1/2 of the filling on top of sponge cake and cover it with the 3rd layer of cake. Put into the fridge and let it set.
(5) Take out cake from the cake and decorated as desired. You can cover the whole cake with whipped non-dairy whipping cream and decorate with slice mangoes.
recipe pls? :)
Hi Yochana.. R u a chef, cooking teacher or..? How come one day u can make so many cakes.. always have surprises when visiting your blog.. but it will be nicer if recipes are provided.. :)
Hi may yee,
I trained my maid to weigh my ingredients in the morning. I will do some baking for about 45 mins before I leave for office then in the night I continue again.
Mad right?? I'm so busy so i will post recipes at random.
wow... u really LOVE baking.. :) Really envy u.. so much of passion.. :)
You mean you work and bake all these? Alamak! I salute you, Ma'am!
Yvonne Tay
hi Aunty,
Are u a tutor/lecturer in culinary art, knowing that u are still working in the day time? Or is your full time job related to F&B?
Hi devan,
Hahaha...I'm just a homebaker.
My office is totally not involved with food.
Hi Yvonne,
ya ya....I work and bake everyday. Poor aunty.
please share this wonderfull cake
Hi Aunty,
Don't call yourself 'poor aunty'. To me you are a 'SUPERWOMAN'. I really admire you. You have such a good patient and skill. Your blog has motivated me to try new thing and sharpener my baking skill. Before I oame across your blog, I only know how to bake butter cake. But now I can bake chiffon cakes, bread, mousse cake, etc. Thanks to all your advices.
Aunty, keep up the good work. I will always support you.
Hi Aunty Yochana
I am new to your blog, and it is really addictive!
and imagine my surprise when I learnt that you are a working lady. i really thought you are a professional baker! Amazing lady!
Hi aunty,u are certainly ingredible>.< When i wanna bake a cake n decorate it,it will take me a whole day's time.Jus imagine u need to work n yet still can came out wiv so many womderful bakes everyday.U really is a wonderful lady ^^ Thanks you so much 4 all de recipes u've posted,aunty :)
Hi Liying,
Thumbs up on your improvement. I'm really happy for you and at the same time I'm also happy that I'm able to motivate you.
Hi Aunty
Once again a lovely looking cake. I've truly appreciated your blog as it has made my kitchen-time a more interesting. Any chance you would care to share this Mango yoghurt cake recipe? My email is gpkel07 at gmail.com. Thanks
Can I know what is the side of this mango yoghurt cake coated with? Is it ground peanuts or something else?
Hi janice,
It's actually cookie crumbs.. Yu try, it's nice ..
OMG aunty, I thought you're not working! baking more than 3 recipe in 1 day....OMG
thanks for the recipe, they look soo soft! sometimes my cake isn't too good aunty, I just bake sponge cakes and they turned out wrinkled! and smaller, not like when they're in the oven, so tall and good looking, do you know what made my cake wrong aunty? pls gimme advice :)
Hi Yoo Lee,
it's normal for a cake to shrink a little upon cooling.
Hi Aunty Lucy,
Can I check with you what is the best way to keep whipping cream after it has been opened? They normally come in a 1 litre carton and i find myself unable to finish using all. Even when i keep the remaining in the fridge, i notice some of the whipping cream tend to form lumps. Also, do you know how long we can keep once it is opened? Appreciate your kind advice. Thanks in advance. Chris
Hi Yochana
Thanks for sharing the recipe, the cake looks so delicious. I am going to try the recipe.
You are an amazing woman, I thought in the beginning you are working in a bakery. Take care.
Thx Lucy. Yeah,I'll try this recipe one day. Seems like I've got kinda lot of homework to do...erm sad that u are not here to do the marking leh *wink*? U used canned mango or fresh? Need to glaze the mango topping with instant jelly/gelatine mixture or not?
Hi Janice,
I used fresh mangoes lah...
No need to fly over to your place. I will judge by looking at all your lovely photos.
Hahaha hayda,
you're so cute.
Hi Chris,
For Non dairy cream, I normally wrapped it up with plastic and put it back into the freezer till needed.
For Dairy cream, I also wrap up with plastic bag and keep it in a cold fridge (not the freezer). Try to use it by the 7th day but for my fridge, it can last up to 2 weeks.
Hi Aunty Lucy,
Thanks a lot for the whipping cream storage tip. Cheers. Chris
Hi aunty,
I am not really new to this site. I have been browsing at your recipes for quite a while and I have to say you have really done a great job, really !
I had just tried out this recipe and I think I always face some difficulties with baking cakes. First, I wonder why the cake becomes moist inside( not only this cake but some previous cakes that I made also face this problem). Next, it sinks after taking out of the oven.why does this happen?
As for whipping cream, about how long is it to take to whip the cream? This is the first time for me to whip the cream. I somehow feel that it's a little overbeat. It turns out to be a bit dry.
and how to cut the cakes into half equally?Do you have some special technique? I found my cake being cut so awfully.
really wish to get some advices, as I have nobody to ask around.It's really very helpless sometimes. I would appreciate so much for your advices.
HI cierYin,
If baking the chiffon sponge cake is a problem, try baking an optima sponge cake first and later when you understand your oven better, try it on a chiffon sponge cake which needs more skill.
whipping cream depends on what you're using it for. Different usage needs different stage of whipped cream. For decoration, you need stiff peak and for chiffon cake, you need medium peak. For mousse, whip till medium soft.
Hi Lucy
I tried baking this cake this afternoon. Oh I like it, the cake texture is so soft and fluffy. With this recipe, I used a 8 1/2" round baking tin and the cake rose right up above the top. It's a very nice sponge cake !
Would appreciate to know the followings:
For fillings-
I mixed yoghurt and sugar together first, followed by mango cubes and gelatin dissolved in cold water (put in hotwater bath). When I pour whipped non-dairy cream into this yoghurt/gelatin mixture, the gelatin formed strip-like mixture and I had to discard it.
May I know where did I go wrong ? I finally had to do the fillings without adding gelatin.
Hope to hear from you. Thanks !
Hi Catherine,
I think your yoghurt/gelatine mixture is too cold already , so when you mix in the whipped cream, it sets too fast causing the gelatine to set before you could mix it.
Hi Lucy
Oh I see! so I think the best way for my cakes that require gelatin, I will do it at the last moment. That means to say I will mix any other things first, then whipped the cream followed by putting the gelatin with water in microwave last. Or should I just double-boil the gelatin mixture ??
Thanks for the advice.
Hi Catherine,
add in the warm gelatine mixture last ...
Hi Lucy
Sorry, need to check with you IF I were to use this recipe to bake a chocolate flavour type. What if I used 25g cocoa powder (enough?), do I need to reduce the cake flour ?
Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.
Hi Mscake,
Your 25 gm. cocoa powder is just nice (depending on your quality and colour of cocoa powder, some cocoa powder are darker in colour). You have to cut down the flour by 25 gm too.
Hi Lucy
Thanks so much for the prompt reply.
I will bake this chocolate sponge cake next week.
Hi aunty,
I really admire you. You still can bake before you leave for work? I choose weekends to do my baking, then must at a really really relaxed mind, then i do my baking. I'm not even 1/8th of you. BTW, where do you get all your fantastic recipes? Dont tell me you still attend baking class? You are pro i guess.
Hi anonymous,
I have not been attending classes for the past 25 years. I normally buy books and read and do and sometimes my good friends will give me some recipes to try.
Psst..there'll be a day when I can't bake so much anymore...lao liao.
Hi Aunty
I used to bake in cooler climates. But since I return to Singapore, I have not found a dairy whipping cream to my liking. I presume you are referring to liquid cream that one can whip up at home 'fresh'. Can you tell me where do you get your whipping cream from? What brand? Your tip would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
PS: I just tried your jap cheesecake 2 days ago. It was a hit with my hubby and friends. Right now, I can smell the banana cake baking in my oven as I type. I'm looking forward to sampling it. Thank you for your generous input to baking.
Hi anonymous,
Hahaha...talking about cooler climates. I received a call from my daughther yesterday and she sounded alarm ...I got worried and in the end she told me that her cupcake batter is in a lump and asked me why? Hahaha...she's experiencing Winter now so the butter solidified and the batter becomes a lump rather than a creamy mixture when she's in Singapore.
For whipping cream, it depends on what you're using it for. There's elle Vire for cheesecake, Value Pride for decoration and Pour N Whip for Mousse cakes. You can get all these whipping cream from Sun Lik, 33, Seah Street. Next to Raffles Hotel, Singapore.
May I know d temp setting for the oven??Thanks
Hi anonymous,
use 175C
Hi Aunty
I tried baking you cake last night. It was 50% pass. The cake shrunked a lot after i took it out from the oven. After it shrunk, thanks God that it is still soft. But when it was in the oven, it rose beautifully. I am not sure what did i do wrong. I really hope you can help me out. I followed your instructions carefully. Did everything accordingly. Oh, i used a "black colour loose-bottom pan". Haha.. If that is what you call it. It the one you use for chilled cheese cake. Aunty, how long should i leave the cake in the oven after 45minutes?
My hubby looked at my cake and the pictures you posted online and said, "Wow, what a big difference!" Haha... I'm going to try it again soon but will change the mango to peach instead.
p/s: My mum loves your Pandan chiffon cake but it shrunk as well... huh... I really don't know which step went wrong.
Desperately in need of your advice, Aunty. Thanks.
Hi anonymous
It could be due to your dark coloured loose bottom pan that cause it to shrink. Normally this type of pan absorbs a lot of heat and cause it to cook much faster than the center.
For Pandan chiffon cake, how did it shrunk? You're supposed to invert upside down and let it cool completely before removing it from pan.
Hi, Aunty
Thanks very much for your fast reply. I'll buy the aluminium one this weekend and let you know how it went. Thanks very very much again for the help.
My whole family always goes thru your recipes. Haha... I think all our cakes and biscuits for this coming CNY will all be from your recipes. Thanks.
Take care.
Ai Mee
Oh that's great Ai Mee.
Hi Aunty Yochana, I must say ur cakes look sensational! I'm from Australia and trying out this recipe right now... hope it turns out okay =p! Oh with the cookie crumbs on the outside, did u use digestive cookies? Also, do u use the food processor to mix the ingredients together or u just use the wooden spooden to stir?
Hi Kallie
I used the food processor to do the job for the cookie crumbs. I used digestive cookies.
Hi aunty,
Tried baking this yesterday, it's yummy. My cake texture is.not smooth, is like '鸡蛋糕' texture, is this correct? I used cake flour. I didn' beat egg one at a time, all the 5 eggs yolks were mixed at one go. Could this be the cause? Thanks!
Hi aunty,
Need to consult you regarding frosting. As the top layer if the cake is quite uneven, I'm unable to frost the cream nicely or evenly. In what way can I improve? Thank you
hi yochana,
what kind of cookie crumbs did u use?can i use any kind?thanks.please reply me as i wana make this for potluck.my hotmail is fmntamimi@hotmail.com
hi fmn,
use digestive biscuits.
thank you a lot.will let you know the outcome.:)
Hello aunty!
how do u keep your mangoes looking so fresh n yellow? mine turns brown aft awhile even though i tried soaking in salt water. do appreciate some tips from u, thx alot!
God bless,
Hi aunty,
I came acroos your blog when I was looking for some cakes. You have a great talent and great creativity. But I can see that any Hindu or matter of fact a strict vegetarian can't use any of your receipes. that's pity. I was from S'pore but now not. Gelatine is made from Beef and there is no vegetarian Gelatine except for Agar Agar. I am sorry that I am the first person to give a negative feedback. But love animals, not for food but to take of them. Anyway your blog is great for sense-addicted s'poreans.
hey...i am planning to bake this cake in a 7 inch cake pan. how much i need to cut down? how many eggs should i use?
Hi Yochana,
what an amazing cake, can you help me with a few questions?
1)is cake flour self raising or plain flour?
2)can i bake this in 2 sandwich tins?
3) what is the corn oil measurements in ML/grams?
can't wait to try this recipe. Thank you!!!
Hi,what is the ratio of water and gelatin?
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