200 gm. Cooking Chocolate
125 gm. unsalted butter
a pinch of salt
2 Tbsp. Water
2 large Eggs
70 gm. Sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
65 gm. Plain flour
100 gm. white chocolate chips
100 gm. Macadamia nuts or any nuts of your choice - toasted & chopped coarsely
(1) Cook chocolate, butter, salt and water until melted. Stir till smooth.
(2) Add in Eggs, sugar and vanilla extract, stir till smooth.
(3) Fold in flour, white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts.
(4) Pour into an 8" sq. baking tin and bake in preheated oven at 180C fr about 35 - 40 mins. or till cooked.
(4) Remove and cool on a cooling rack before cutting.
Hi Aunty,
Need your advice. I wanted to make Chocolate Butter Cream for Log Cake. Should I add 100g of melted chocolate into 200g of butter cream or just add chocolate emulco into the butter cream? Can I mixed hazelnut paste (brought from Phoon Huat) into the butter cream?
hi aunty...
this look so delicious...yumm...
Dear Aunty
What a coincidence, I found from IK Forum last nite, a recipe for white choc macadamia nut cookie and wondered where to get the nuts. Do you by any chance know where we can get affordable mac nuts in S'pore? Thanks!
Hi yochana,
Is the recipe posted online. I'm unable to find it.
Hi adeline,
you can buy the macadamia nuts from sun lik or phoon huat.
Hi Liying,
Yes you can do as what you have suggested. When you want to mix in the melted chocolate into the butter cream, mix gradually to prevent curdling. I prefer to add in melted chocolate. It will taste more yummy then chocolate emulco.
Hi Aunty,
Thanks for your replied.
Dear Aunty Yochana
How do you toast nuts?
I always burn them :(
Hi Fansi
I always bake them at 175C for about 5 to 8 mins.
hi aunty yo,
can i ask if i have to keep the fire going untill the step 2 or i have to turn off the fire after step 1?
thanks in advance..
hi green,
after cooking step 1 and the chocolate has melted, take it off from the oven. Cool a little before adding in step 2.
Hi Aunty,
Accidentally came across your blog, and now it had actually became a must for me to visit it everyday. Had tried to bake your Macadmia White Chocolate Brownies yesterday but sad to say that mine was over burned since I followed your baking time. I will try to shorten the time and hopefully the next time will be a success for me.
Hi hamtaro,
in that case, u bake only 35 to 30 mins, because your oven is very hot.
Hi Aunty,
yap, will try to shorten the baking time. Oh by the way do u conduct classes on 'Macaron', your macaron look so nice and lovely. U can e-mail me the class detail at kris6676@yahoo.com.sg if there's any future classes for it.
Thanks a lot.
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