125 gm. Unsalted Butter
100 gm. sugar
2 extra-large eggs
145 gm. Cake flour
50 gm. cocoa powder
1/4 tsp. Baking Soda
1/4 tsp. salt
170 gm. Creme Fraiche
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
125 gm. egg white (about 4 egg white)
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
100 gm. sugar
(1) Cream butter on medium speed until fluffy for about 2 mins.
(2) Add in sugar to butter and cream together till creamy.
(3) Add in eggs one at a time, stopping to scrape down the bottom and sides of the bowl after each addition.
(4) Sift together the flour, cocoa powder and baking soda. Add the salt and toss together to blend well.
(5) Add the dry ingredients to the butter mixture alternating with the creme fraiche. Stir in vanilla extract.
(6) Whisk the egg white with cream of tartar, then pour in sugar gradually till finish. Whisk the egg white till they are firm and glossy but not too stiff.
(7) Fold into the egg white into the butter mixture.
(8) Pour batter into a 9" round tray lined with paper. Bake at 180C for about 50 -60 mins. or until a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove the pan from the oven and cool on a rack.
(9) Dust the top of the cake with icing sugar or snow powder.
(10) Serve each slice of cake with a dollop of creme fraiche.
Aunty Yochana, I think u didn't get the msg I left with the mango pudding. I went to Pantry Magic (HK) to hv a look coz yr goodies are so cute and I couldn't believe it when the staff there know who u are!!!!! Anyway, I am going to start to learn baking and I'd like to know where I can buy pandan paste in SIN or better still, if it is available in HK. Yr bakes are simply incredible!!!! Too beautiful to be eaten!!! Tks for yr help, VB
Hi VB,
Oh yes I know them cos when they were in Singapore, I met up with them and I was interviewed by SPH Singapore on Pantry Magic.
For Pandan paste, buy from Sun Lik, Singapore. For Hong Kong, I need to ask Florence...cos she's in Hong Kong. Hope florence can help.
Aunty Lucy, your chocolate cake looks very yummy .., will wait to see anyone else asking for your recipe .. :D
God Bless,
hi aunty!it's another marvellous cake u made,do u mind sharing the recipe for this creme fraiche choc cake? thx in advance=)
I hv read Florence's blog too!! Both of u are fantastic bakers!!!! I can only drool at yr bakes!!!! I sure hope pandan paste is available in HK then I don't hv to bother my friends back home. Tks for yr help, VB
this is such a drooling chocolate cake. can i have the recipe pls pls pls pls???
I really like chocolate cake so if you don't mind sharing this recipe, my email add is woovivian@hotmail.com....thank you in advance
Thank you for your time...I'm going to start baking right away!
Hi Littel noodle.
Creme Fraiche is expensive. You can make your own Creme Fraiche if you want to and the result is exactly the same.
1 cup of heavy cream (35% whip cream) + 1 Tbsp. of Buttermilk. Keep at room temperature for a few hours, shake it once a while and it will set. Leave it overnight before usage. Keep in the fridge if you don't want to use it. It can keep for about a week.
Hi Aunty
Can you please tell me what is creme fraiche, is it a type of cheese or yoghurt? Thanks
Hi hineydoll,
Creme fraiche comes in a tub of 250 gm. It's made from unpasteurized milk that has been allowed to age. The bacteria present in the cream thicken it and give it a slightly tangy, nutty flavour. Creme fraiche is often very thick when chilled but becomes softer at room temperature and when it is stirred. It can be served as an accompaniment to desserts or used in place of cream in quiche fillings.
What other substitution for the cream fraiche? It's not easily available in KL ...
Do you have buttermilk in KL? If you do, mix 1 cup of heavy cream (whipping cream with 35% fat content) with 1 tbsp. of Buttermilk and leave it at room temperature for 24 hours. Shake it occassionally and after when it's set, you can keep it in the fridge and it will thickened.
Hi Shereen,
you can find Creme Fraiche in Jusco, GIANT, Cold Storage or Carrefour. Look out for the brand President normally can find in cheese/butter section.
mmh may i know 2 extra large eggs about how many grams?
aunty yochana luv ur blog. a fans of ur's kekeke..
Hi busy-shim,
It's about 70 to 75 gm. each.
i just make the cake.... noted there's bubbles on top of my cake? :( issit due to my whisking of my egg white?
hi busy-shim,
Have you cut the cake yet?
Next time, drop the tin onto the table to break the air bubbles trapped in the batter before baking.
yes cutted. realised its beri beri soft.. and the cake sinked too... mmh. and its too sweet. overall quite yummy hehe...
Hi busys-shim,
Mine never sink leh...and it's not that sweet too. Probably I have very sweet tooth. I love to eat sweet stuff and I eat it everyday (no joke).
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