Ingredients for egg yolk mixture:
6 egg yolks
2 Tbsp. Pandan juice
150 gm. coconut milk
1/4 tsp. salt
4 tbsp. Corn oil
1 tsp. Pandan Paste
1/4 tsp. Green colouring
80 gm. caster sugar
140 gm. Cake flour
Egg White Mixture:
6 egg white
1/4 tsp. Cream of Tartar
100 gm. caster sugar
(1) Mix all the egg yolk ingredients together and stir till smooth.
(2) Whisk egg white with cream of tartar and gradually pour in the sugar. Whisk at high speed until frothy and stiff peak forms.
(3) Gently fold egg yolk mixture with egg white mixture until blended.
(4) Pour into a 9" (23 cm) tube pan. Bake at 170C for about 40 to 45 min.s or until cooked.
(5) Remove from oven, invert cake onto cooling rack until completely cooled before removing from the pan.
(6) Slice and serve.
Hi aunty,
Can u share this recipe? Looks very nice leh.
Hi hi Aunty
Does this pandan chiffon cake call for coconut milk? I'm searching for a nice pandan chiffon cake with coconut milk recipe..
Yes, pandan chiffon cake normally calls for coconut milk.
Hi Aunty,
Can you share this recipe? If not, can you tell us where you get this recipe from?
I've been looking for a good pandan chiffon recipe. wanna bake for my taiwan fren when I visit them next month~ Taiwanese love pandan chiffons!
Hi Aunty
Can you pls post the recipe? : )
Hi Aunty
Thank you so much! You are a lovely and generous aunty!
Hi aunty. I would like to know how u weigh the 150gm of coconut milk. Or could u convert it in ML?
Hi Wenna,
150 gm = 150 ml. they're the same.
Hi Lucy
Thanks for sharing this excellent recipe. I just finished baking this and half is already eaten and gone LOL. Baked mine in a regular square pan (no tube pan lah)and it turned out very well. Soft, and so 'pang' (fragrant), it is indeed very good and so easy to make. This is the first time I've made chiffon cakes without baking powder and the results are pretty impressive. Many thanks!
Thank u for posting this recipe Aunty. Will try out your recipe very soon. Hopefully this time will be successful after so many failed attempt on baking pandan chiffon cake.
Oh gosh titiana,
even without a tube pan you got it right. Congrats.
Hi Lucy
Thanks for the compliments. I had used a 9inch square and the batter was only about 1/3 full. But it rose and when it was done, it was about 2-2.5 inches tall. Just nice for a cake. Although I know a real chiffon cake should be even taller.
Anyway, just wanted to ask you if you have tried Dorie Greenspan's Double Choc Chunk Muffin in her book "Baking..." It's pretty good and fairly easy to make. Give it a go sometime if you haven't done so already. And oh, I made Suzy's Cake again...I am going to put on so much weight...haha
HI Titiana,
Thanks for all the tips.
Suzy's cake? I know...it's worth doing it again huh. Putting on weight? No choice lah...all love to eat, can't help it.
Hi Auntie Lucy,
Thanks for this recipe, it was indeed very soft and fragrant. However, when I baked it, the cake started to split on top. Can you advise me why is that so? and also, when I'm about 30 mins into baking, the top became too brown..
I used a 9 inch spring form tube pan. It is about 3 inches high.
Hi trif,
it's either you oven to too hot or your cake pan is too small. Anyway, don't worry, cos you normally invert the cake while serving.
Thanks auntie Lucy! You sure reply fast! Maybe I should invest in a good silicone tube pan from Pantry Magic. :P
Hi Aunty!
I love this cake !! Thank you!"{^__^}" I've only one question about chiffon cake, after inverting the cake, did you actually waited till the whole thing fall off or? Coz I inverted it and waited for alot time but it still stuck on the pan so I shaked it out of the pan and the side of the cake as well as the top part wasn't brown like yours. whereas it got stuck onto the pan. sigh``How did aunty remove the whole thing out? Thank you!!
Hi aunty,
I m so happy now cos i baked this cake today and it turned out just what i wanted.. soft n fluffy. At last i succeed after so many attempts on baking chiffon cakes. I used 130g sugar n plain flour. Will using cake flour makes the cake even softer?
Yes Mei, that is why I changed the flour to Cake flour instead of Plain flour.
Congrats to you...I know how it's like when you succeed in it.
Hi Yasmin,
the cake will not fall off by itself. You have to use a knife to loosen the edge, the tube side then pull out the cake then use the knife again to loosen the base and ta da....the cake is out.
Auntie Lucy, Can I replace corn oil with canola oil?
Hi Trif,
Of course you can use canola oil. In fact for chiffon cake, you can use any oil of your preference. Not much difference though..as the amount is very little.
Hi Aunty Yochana, is me again, Just wanna ask how u make the pandan juice???
Hi Jeannie,
Just blend 4 - 5 pandan leaves with water then squeeze it.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I have just discovered your blog and immediately made the pandan chiffon cake. It turned out very well, much better than the ones that I paid to learn.
So sad that you will post recipes randomly. But do email me all the recipes in the event you changed your mind. My email is: jackiewong2612@yahoo.com
Hi Aunty,
I tried bake Pandan Chiffon cake" yesterday it taste good but unfortunately when i took out from the oven the side of the cake flat but it rises when its inside the oven. I follow the same step i took out from the oven and over turn it. Q why didnt my cake soft and spongy like those at cake shop and like yours in the pic. For your kind advice pls. thnx BQ.
Hi BQ,
I don't quite understand your question. Anyway, the most important part of baking a chiffon cake is how you whisk your egg white and to what stage you should stop. Lift up your whisk and turn it upside down and if the egg white curve slightly then it's just nice and if it stands up stiff then it's overbeaten already. If it falls off from the whisk then is not well beaten and continue to beat again till it curves when the whisk is turned upside down.
Hi Yochana,
I tried your Pandan chiffon cake recipe. It's really a keeper! Very soft and yet slightly springy. The amount of coconut used just right for my liking. Thank you for sharing. :)
Hi Amy,
Congrats!! Keep baking ya...
Hi Aunty,
Is cake flour the same as top flour?
Hi Liz,
Both are almost the same. You can use either one for chiffon.
Hi Yochana,
Can I find out which oven setting did you use? I tried fan with bottom heating (as recommended by the oven manual) and it didn't rise nicely. Should I try top and bottom heat?
Hi Siew Peng,
don't use fan mode. Use the convectional oven with top and bottom heat.
Hi Yochana,
I tried the convectional mtd, top and bottom heat only. And it works!
Hi siew Peng,
I'm happy for you. Congrats.
Hi Aunty,
I am a new baker and looking forward to try your recipes. I also newly set up a blog to document my baking experience for my own but recently has been sharing the link with friends.
i would like to ask you in advance, if it is ok that i put a link to the recipe in my blog if I try any of your recipes ?
Hi sherlyn,
no problem....you can link to mine.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
May I know if there is anyway to replace the coconut milk with say slim milk? I hate coconut milk as it's more unhealthy! However, on second thought, I think coconut milk will give the cake the fragrance, right?
I also asked the bakery owner.. about pandan juice, they say if we cook, it's not as tasty as the volume is not a lot. How do u make yours?
Oh No JY, do not cook your pandan juice. You call the smell and in return , you'll get a bad smell instead.
as for coconut substitute, you can use evaporated milk, no problem. It will be good too.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
One more qns, can I leave out the Pandan Juice? Maybe use Pandan Flavour? Any diff, have u tried?
Hi JY,
You can use Pandan paste.
Thanks Aunty Yochana,
I made it today, however, I have used Top flour instead of cake flour. Other than this, I used 'Red Man' Green Pandan Flavoured Paste plus a little of Pandan Flavour.
Can I post your recipe in my blog with modification?
Hi JY,
No problem, go ahead.
Hi aunty,
may i know the amount of ingredients needed to reduce if i were to use a 21cm tube pan instead? And could i increase the amount of coconut milk by 20grams with the same amount of other ingredients used?
Hi Kelsea,
You can just use 3/4 of the recipe then.
Wow, thanks for the quick reply as i'm going to do it now. =) Oh, you haven't answered one of my questions. =p Can i increase the coconut milk by around 20grams? Will it affect the results?
Hi Kelsea,
I don't see why you need to increase by 20 gm. Too much liquid will cause the chiffon to go dense.
Hi Yochana,
For the pandan juice, does it have to be very strong.
How many panda leaf should I put to cook with how much of water. I just have to bring the water to boil right?
Thanks for your help
Hi Yochana
I tried baking the cake just now.Overall, is good eventhough the top cracked and also I forgot to sift the flour.
As I cannot find the green coloring therefore I omit it. However, the pandan aroma is not as nice compared to the Bengawan Solo 1.Can you give me some suggestion.
I somehow think that I can taste the pandan plant if I eat the cake slowly.
Sorry for the trouble.
Will try tomorrow again for my in law
Hi qing,
Sifting the flour for chiffon is one of the most important part of making chiffons. Some recipes calls for 3 time sifting.
If you don't have pandan leaves, use pandan paste (store bought) and some green colouring.
Hi qing,
don't cook the pandan leaves. Take about 4 - 5 leaves (again this depends on the length and size of the leaves), blend them with some water and then squeeze it out. Once you cook the pandan leaves, it kills the fragrance and instead it gives an awful smell.
Hi Yochana,
I did not cook the leaves. I misunderstand it the very first time when reading the recipe.
Ya, I overlook on the flour and just happily pour into the mixture.
I can find the pandan leave just that I cannot find the green coloring. Those available is all apple green coloring.
My husband find it not as aromatic as the Bengawan Solo 1, should I add in more pandan paste of the pandan juice. If yes, how much
Thanks for your help. By the way, I am also currently not working therefore I am very happy to find your blog to bake things for my husband and try to be a good wife.
PS,still trying to do the pineapple tart because I failed 5 times already
hi qing,
apple green colour is a very nice colour. You should use this apple green colouring.
Pandan paste - about 1 tsp or more depending on the quality of the paste.
So sorry to hear about your pineapple tarts. Do try again and don't give up. I think you must have done a mistake somewhere.
Dear Aunty Yochana,
thank you for sharing this recipe. I made several times from cookbooks and online recipes but each time was a flop.
I followed your instructions carefully and baked the cake, turned out to be a success. It's soft and fragrant. I used 4 eggs for a 18cm chiffon pan and the height got higher than the pan! The only problem was the top part of the cake cracked badly. Can you advise me what went wrong?
Thank you.
Hi Cheryl,
It's definitely too much for the tin. Sometimes you have to change the size of the tin when your volume gets bigger than expected. Put till 3/4 of the tin will do.
Congrats on your pandan chiffon.
Hi aunty,
what is pandan paste?
Hi Janet,
Pandan paste is artificial paste which is green in colour and has a strong pandan smell.
Hi Aunty,
I have some questions. I followed your pandan chiffon recipe and halfed the ingredients since I only have an 18cm chiffon cake tin. my cake rose nicely in the oven, but when I invert it during the cooling process, my cake seem to colasped on the top part however the bottom part rose & fluff nicely. And also, the cake is a bit moist. Overall the texture is soft and fluffy. Does the size of the cake tin cause the cake to colasped on top? and also is the cake suppose to be moist? Thanks for you help.
Hi CChan,
Once the cake is cooked in the oven , it will not collapse when it's out from the oven. It might be undercooked if it does collapse. I suggest you try again. You must test with a skewer to see whether it's cooked or not. if it's still damp, cover the top with an aluminium foil and continue baking depending on how moist you can is.
Bake till more brown to give the cake a wall to stand up.
Hi aunty,
May I ask a qtn?
I would like to know whether can I replace corn oil with all cake recipe that call for melted butter, or it is only suitable to use corn oil for certain cakes, eg chiffon, sponge n swiss roll? Is there any other cake recipe which I can substitute with corn oil instead of using butter?
Thanks in advance
Hi Kit,
You can replace corn oil for cake recipe but not all.
for e.g. butter cake, it won't taste like a butter cake without the butter.
hi yochana,
i have a 19cm chiffon tube pan, do i follow your recipe or i need to reduce?
hi yochana,
i bake this yesterday, i followed the recipe step by step but my chiffon cake turn out to be like sponge cake, not light and fluffy. When its baking inside the oven it actually rise very high and nice but when i remove from oven to cool, it actually sank down. Issit becos of the following factor?
1) Coconut milk, i actually used pkt coconut cream.
2) my chiffon tin not high enough
3) mixing of the egg white and egg yolk mixture not even?
SOrry to ask you so many qns.. :)
Hi ladybuggy,
firstly, nothing to do with the coconut milk. Both fresh and canned or box are acceptable.
Always pour batter to 3/4 of the tin.
Once it's cooked, it should sink in the middle unless it's uncook. Yes another probable factor could be the mixing of the egg yolk and egg white. Fold in some egg white into the egg yolk mixture first before folding the rest in.'
i understand that if i dun wan to use pandan juice i can replace using pandan paste. so how much pandan paste do i use in total.
can u kindly reply me to my email xiaogua_kelly@hotmail.com
thanks so much
Hi Kelly,
Pandan paste depends on it's quality. You put in a tsp. first , stir and if you're not satisfied with the colour, add in more.
hi aunty
This my first time bake pandan cake... I using 17cm bake tin so i use half of the ingredient to bake. The cake collaspe when cool down and when cutting the cake there hole inside. Pls advice me. Thanks...
Hi AngelineH,
Did you use a chiffon cake pan?
Hi I had the same problem of collapsing cake and I used a chiffon cake pan too.. It's nOt that fluffy but slightly denser than normal chiffon. Can u pls enlighten me on the collapsing part?
Hi Carmen,
It could be your whisking of the egg white. Could be overbeat or underbeat.
Hi how do I know if I over- or under-beat the egg whites? I inverted the mixing bowl after whisking and the egg whites "stayed put".. so I assumed the whisking part is done.. is there other way to make sure the whisking og egg whites is done properly..?
Dear Carmen,
Lift up your whisk upside down and if the egg white forms a hook and stay put, then it's the right texture.
Hi aunty, can we use olive oil or extra virgin olive oil for this recipe?
Hi JT,
Any oil will still work with this recipe.
Hi aunty
I tried baking the pandan chiffon ystd and this is what happened:
the cake rose higher than the pan while baking, so i moved the pan to a lower rung, subsequently, the top of the cake cracked, and the entire cake shrank and sank when i removed it fr the oven. The sides and bottom of the cake was not brown at all, and the cake was more like a sponge cake (but i must say the taste is quite gd!).
I wonder what went wrong? also, is there any particular order in which i shd mix the egg yolk mixture? Thank you aunty.
Hi mj,
Do not shake or remove the pan to another level while baking because it will cause the cake to sink.
What you can do is to cover the top with aluminium foil and continue baking. Cracking on top is better than a sunk cake.
don't worry about the cracks, cos you will turn it upside down and cannot be seen.
I think your pan is too small so it creates the crack. Always pour to 3/4 level only and not more. Any balance batter can be baked in small cups as cupcakes.
Hi aunty
will bear in mind what u said when i try baking it again. can u also advise me on the order in which to mix the egg yolk batter? i jus added all the wet ingredients to the dry ones but was quite difficult to get a smooth paste, had to use the electric mixer to mix it up in the end. Sorry to bother u with so many qns aunty....wishing u a very happy weekend!
Hi Mj,
Normally when egg yolks are mixed with the rest of the ingredients, it should be smooth and not lumpy, then fold in the whisked egg white and fold.
Hi aunty
wow, you sure reply very quickly, thank u! I will definitely try baking this again :-)
HI aunty,
This is my first time baking a chiffon cake, and i can't find a chiffon cake tin yet here (sydney), instead, i bought a 23cm bundt tin.
I bake the pandan chiffon just now, using the pandan paste instead of the juice, everything turn up alright, and when i bake in the oven, it actually rises a bit higher than the tin. I do bake a little longer (about 50mins) because when i test the cake at 45 mins, the top part is still a bit moist, even though it started to crack in the middle, just a bit.
when i get the cake out, it shrink a bit, ( so it's not taller than the tin now), and i invert it on the wire rack to cool it, i waited for a long time then finally, have the guts to run a skewer around the side to loosed it, how ever, some part of the cake seem to stick quite strongly to the pan, and when i finally get the cake out, 20% stuck at the bottow. My cake taste nice and soft,just not presentable.
what went wrong? Is that because of my bunt pan? Do i have to or must use a chiffon cake pan?
What about the pan's material? Does it has to be non stick, aluminium or silicon ?
Thanks a lot for helping me.
HI d,
Poor thing...you need a loose bottom tube pan for chiffon cake otherwise you will encounter cakes getting stuck to the bottom. It's very important to get this loose bottom pan...
Hi Aunty Yochana!!
I had previously tried making pandan cake for 3 times and failed! I followed ur recipe this timea and succeeded!! However, I have a question, my pandan cake turned out denser than the usual bangawan solo kind, tho its soft indeed. What should I do if I wih my cake to be more fluffy and less dense?
I love ur website aunty, i had been surfing so much on baking, and nowhere beats ur website!!!!
Thank you!!
Hi Ashley,
Wow...that's a step improvement...go forward and you'll get want you want. I think our home made chiffon cake taste better than Bengawan Solo. You continue practising and you'll get a lighter cake.
Hi Aunty, thanks for your encouragement!!
So what do you think I had done wrong? Did I not beat the egg whites enough, and that is why the cake is less spongy (tho very soft)then normal pandan cakes. I did follow ur instruction to beat the whites till it forms a hook when the beater is inverted :). Hope to hear ur advice soon!!
Hi Ashley,
I can't explain why but I think folding the egg white to the egg yolk batter needs some skill there.
Hi Aunty,
I attempted for chiffon cake many times and failed always. Finally, I followed your recipe and succeeded. My family commented it is very soft and nice.
Aunty Yo, if I make squeeze santan from fresh coconut do I need to add water to get 150ml santan as required? Does the thickness of the santan affect the texture of cake? Thank you for your time. Rgds Chris
Hi chris,
do not add water to your coconut.
hi aunty,
i've tried to make pandan chiffon cake the 2nd time, sad to say i failed. The cake sank it taste funny it seem that inside is not bake at all. And the top was burnt, i'm so disappointed that i want to stop baking pandan cake.
butter cake is easier to bake than pandan cake am i right?
If you know the technic of making chiffon cakes, any chiffon cake u make will be successful.
Hi aunty,
Would like to check what does you mean by
"Gently fold egg yolk mixture with egg white mixture until blended.?"
Is it pour the egg white into the egg yolk mixture or vice versa?
Pls advise how we know the egg white is frosty? Is it when we turn the bowl upside down it wont give a drop consider done?
thank you.
hi anonymous,
Just fold step (1) to step (2). Egg white whisk till it forms a hook when you lift up your whisk.
Thank you... but i still dont understand the whisk till it forms hooks? Can you post a pic for me to see how it looks like? many thanks
Hi anonymous,
O.K. If I make chiffon cake again, I will take a photo of the egg white.
Hi Aunty,
I juz tried your recipe and it worked. M so happy.
But how to make it more lighter...i find it a bit heavy altho is look and taste nice.
Hi aunty Yochana,
I would like to try baking my first pandan chiffon cake this weekend. However, I am worried about the leakage when using loose base tube pan. Pls advise how to line the pan to prevent leakage.
Many thanks,
Hi esther,
don't worry, it won't leak out.
Hi Aunty,
I was so troubled with my pandan chiffon cake baking for the past few days.My 1st try was quite successful, the cake was quite soft & moist. But the last few times I tried was not good , the cake sank after I took out from the oven. I am trying so hard to troubleshoot the problem . Yesterday I was reading your blog and I managed to get some answers. I am baking today again , my cake looks good so far . (Like the first time I baked )Praying hard... Thanks for your useful info.Your blog is my first life reference book. Too happy just like to share with you.
Hi Lisa,
Hope everything turns out right for you. Let me know ok.
Hi Aunty,
Result is out , my cake is in good shape!!Look like the first time I did. Wow..Horray..So happy!! "VVV".
Well , just to share my mistake I made, I under beat the egg whites , the mixture is too watery. Naughty egg whites , make my head cracks for so many days. Ha!! Thank you again aunty. My husband love this cake so much.
Thumbs up Lisa.
can enlighten me, cos i still don't understand the folding after going thru the posts.
so we "pour" step 1 (yolks) into step 2 (whites) and fold?
does it make a difference if we do it either way?
Hi aunty,
i used 2 tsp of pandan paste m it turns out very sweet. Can i cut down on the sugar frm the yolk batter?
Hi anonymous,
mm...u can adjust according to your taste.
hi aunty, i made the cake and it's delicious. but it doesnt look as nice as yours. could you tell me how you remove the cake so nicely out of the pan with the browned sides and top/bottom stil intact? i used a palette knife to run down at the sides and bottome but most of the browned parts were stucked to the pan and in the end my cake looked so 'bald'. can you help pls. thanks a lot.
Hi anonymous,
I used a sharp knife to cut it out.
hi aunty, when you say 'cut it out' means you run the knife at the sides and go round it or do you cut the cake as in slice it? thanks
hi anonymous
What I meant is...run the knife along the edge.
Hi Aunty,
Can advise the reasons for my queries below?
- Why did the cake shrank after cooling? Is it normal?
- The center was actually slightly wet still after I tried to run the knife around. But I actually inserted a toothpick and confirmed that the cake is complately baked. Why is this so?
Thanks for the advice!
Hi Aunty :
I baked pandan chiffon cake with your receipe and other than the slight sunken top as I removed the cake abit too early, the cake was spongy, airy and soft. My Mom and siblings liked it alot.
Thank you for the receipe.
Thumbs up Yan...
Hi Aunty,
Can i opt out cream of tartar?
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I tried your recipe. My cake rise perfectly in the oven and after 45 minutes, when I took it out to test with skewer, it suddenly sank a bit. The skewer came out nice and clean. So, I overturn the cake pan on the cooling rack to let it cool before I took it out from the pan. Fyi, I use non stick pyrex tube pan which looks exactly like the chiffon cake pan. When I took the cake out, one side of the cake shrunk. Could it be because of the non stick pan?
HI Aunty,
Tried my ever 1st chiffon cake yesterday after surfed yr blog. Sad to share that the surface of the cake cracked badly (look like Huat Kueh) and the bottom part sink during cooling period. May i know reasons coz i m going to try again. Few more Q to ask
1. Should we use electronic mixer to stir the egg yolk ingre.
2. How to know that the egg yolk ingre is smooth enough
3. We are suppose to pour egg yolk mixer to the egg white or other way round? Thanks.
Hi aunty,
can i know e exact way to make e egg yolk batter? just whisk together all e yolk, sugar, coconut milk, oil, the sift in e flour? or must cream e yolk and sugar first, stir in e oil and milk then fold in e flour?
thx & rdgs,
Hi aunty, can i check is there any substitute for cake flour? and what should the portion be?
Hi Aunty Yo,
I ve tried yr butter cake today, is fantastic, I ve succeeded this time, thank u for the recipe. now i am trying pandon cake, but i notice yr recipe got pandan juice and pandan paste, isnt it they are the same? pls reply...and also the last time i make this cake, the bottom of the pan leak, why?
hi aunty,
my chiffon turns out soft n spongy but still not like Bangawan solo's chiffon super soft n moist.Is it because they add something to make them so soft.Just like bread improver added in most bakery to keep their bread soft??
would it better to line the sides and base of the cake so as to avoid the problem of the cake getting stuck to the cake tin?
Hi Kathryn
It's supposed to be stuck to the tin cos you need to invert it - to hang the cake so that the cake will not collapse in the tin , hanging will make the cake light and airie.
Hi Aunty,
I've attempted this, result is soft but dense.May i ask:
1)Should I use electronic mixer to stir the egg yolk ,mixture?
2)One of your comments mentioned to sift flour.However,I dont see this written in the recipe.Did i miss out anything?
3)When mixing 1 and 2 mixture,should i use a spatula or hand?
Appreciate your advice.I am really hoping to master this as my family loves pandan chiffon very much.
Thank you.
Hello Aunty,
Just wondering if you had a recipe to make the filling to go with this cake. I remember this cake would be very popular at weddings and they would have a green pudding like filling and what I believe was fresh grated coconuts as well in the mixture. Do you by chance know the recipe to that filling? If you do, please let me know. Ive been searching for it for years, still no luck. Thank you.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I followed your recipe and the cake came out completely right the first time (thank you!). However, subsequent tries had the cakes too moist and sank after rising in the oven. I noticed the difference in batter between first and subsequent tries - the first time the batter was much thicker while subsequent times the batter was very liquid. I didn't change anything in terms of ingredients nor oven temperature. Would you help me make a guess what could be the problem? Egg whites under-beaten?
Hi anonymous
Your beating of the egg white's consistency is not right.
You probably judged correctly on the trial but subsequently you judge wrongly. Whisk a little longer and see what happens.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I've been learning to bake chiffon cakes for the past 2 weeks. Have done quite a few already. I have no problem getting the right taste but i always encounter the same problem. The cake does not rise uniformly. Somehow only the centre rises which subsequently cracks badly; the side remains the same all the while. I'm using a tube pan (it's not non-stick) and did not grease it. Do you know what might have went wrong? Thanks!
hi aunty, is coconut cream = coconut milk?
wow...what a beauty chiffon cake!! i gonna try this one too. I made 3 times pandan chiffon cake & 3 times was failure :( i will give another try with your recipe
Hi aunty,
Would like to ask if it's better if i mix the egg yolk mixture with the sifted flour in an electric mixer or folding it with a spatula?
I'm confused. haha
Pls help!
Thanks! =)
Hi Aunty,
Thanks fot the recipe.
Just baked the Pandan Chiffon as per your receipe. Indeed,the cake raised v high and is v green, even without the colouring(only use the juice n paste)N YUMMY.But, after i remove the cake out from the tin, the cake bottom came out "slanted" on one side.And also, not as "shong" as the Bengawan( not much of "pores"). Is egg white the "culprit"? Pls advise.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I'm new baker and just can't get my browser off your blog :)
Would like to share with you my mommy's recipe on chiffon cake with measurement using teaspoon and tablespoon only.
The result: http://havefunbaking.blogspot.com/2009/08/making-of-pandan-chiffon-cake.html
Just wish to share good things with others ^.^
Btw, is it ok that I link all my attempts trying out your recipe from my blog? I did it on my recentl attempts but will take it away if i shouldn't be doing that.
Please please please...
Hi mommy of 3
go ahead and link.
Have fun ...
hi aunty can i ask if i could substitute top flour instead of cake flour??
Hi aunty,
I just baked this cake yesterday and it did not turn out well.
1. After the cake was removed from the oven, it sank and the sides were detached from the cake tin.
2. The bottom of the cake had hard, thick batter. Is it not cooked enough?
3. How do I get the sides brown, like in your picture?
Hi Aunty,
First, thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes with us. I've tried several of them and all of them are great!!
I've been baking Pandan chiffon with your recipes a lots of times before, but the last four times i just cannot manage to bake a good chiffon.
All of the last four cakes were all fine in the oven, but once out of the oven and inverted to cool down, they either fall out of the pan or when cut out of the pan the bottom center of the cake is caved in. It looks like there is a tunnel of air in the bottom center of the cake. Can you please tell me what i did wrong? Cos i've baked this recipe so many times before and now all of a sudden it just doesnt work anymore :(
I will be very grateful if you can solve this mystery for me cos i've been thinking about it a few days and about to bake another cake up until i get it right again.
Kind regards,
Hi Aunt Yochana,
After > 1 yr break and failures of baking pandan chiffon cakes, I succeeded this time with your recipe!
It's extremely fragrant (that I baked 2 in a day!), and all my colleagues and friends love it.
H/e, I still have a few queries and hope you can advise.
1) My cake came out dense (egg whites were beaten for 6mins)but the next one turned out fluffier (egg whites were beaten for 7mins). How min did you beat for the egg whites.
2) May I know the weight of the eggs you've used for this recipe? I used eggs of 55g each.
3) My chiffon cakes do not rise as tall as yours and also not as brown.
Thanks and cheers to seeing more of your bakes!
Hi Aunt Yochana,
Below are the links that I've posted the result pics on facebook =)
Hi Gardenia
your eggs are too small. Use 65 gm eggs.
Whisking of eggs depends on freshness of egg and amount to determine how many mins to beat so u have to judge yourself.
Hi Aunt Yochana,
Thanks for your advice! Will try baking again very soon!! =D
Hi i am at australia, I cannot
Find cake flour, what should
I do? Can I use self raising flour?
If i don't use pandan juice, do I need to add extra pandan paste? Or just omit totally since the recipe already calls for pandan paste?
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