150 gm. Mung beans - soak overnight
100 gm. sugar
100 gm. fresh coconut milk
a pinch of salt
few pieces of pandan leaves
Agar agar for dipping:
300 ml. water
10 gm. agar agar powder
50 gm. sugar
(1) Steam mung beans till soft and then blend finely.
(2) Mix blended mung beans with sugar, coconut milk and pandan leaves and fry in a kwali till almost dry. Don't fry too dry otherwise it will be very hard to mould.
(3) Cool the paste and then pinch some mung beans and mould into small fruits. Use a tooth pick or satay stick to poke into the mung beans, then let it stand in a tin.
(4) Colour the moulded mung beans with edible colouring using a brush.
(5) Dip the coloured mung beans into hot agar agar a few times. The more times you dip the more crunchy it gets. Leave to set and chill it before serving.
I learnt this 15 years ago from Anna Phua.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
>I have a few questions and I hope you can help me. I saw your recipe
>your blog for Thai Luk Chup. I fell in love with this dessert when I
>Bangkok last year... Really hope I can make it myself.
>1. Mung Beans is green beans right? With skin or without skin? Do
>they sell
>in without skin?
>2. What is kwali?
>3. The colouring for drawing is it those bottled colouring?
>I don't mean to email you so abruptly. Hope you can help me.
Hi Joelle,
sorry I transferred your email over so that others get to learn from it too.
(1) Mung beans are the split yellow colour beans without skin. Used to make tau suan dessert also. Can buy anywhere - provision shop or NTUC.
(2) Kwali is chinese wok. You can also use a non-stick pot to fry.
(3) Colouring...food colouring used for baking. e.g. Star brand..
thanx alot!!!! :) :) :)
Thanx for the recipe Lucy
hope can try this out soon
I have being hunting for this recipe for a long time. Looks simpler than I thought. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Lucy,
Hmm....I tried this recipe taken from another blog but was a failure. I coated with the gelatin & was not as 'shiny looking' as yours. Could it be I used gelatin instead of agar-agar that causes it?
Hi Ma-li,
Definitely gelatine will not work. It will not give you the shine and the crunch. Believe me...agar agar will make is shiny and crunchy.
Hope you try it and let me know the outcome. Enjoy!!
Thai luk chup is really simple. Hope you have fun and let me know if you encounter problem...
For luk chup normally the only problem is the texture of your paste..not too wet and not too dry. But if it's too wet, fry it longer and if it's too dry, just add in some boiled water till you can mould into shapes.
Have fun trying...this is simply delicious.
Hi bluecrystal,
yes I used this mung bean paste for the strawberries too.
You can get the recipe from the book "Jolly Jelly" too.
Have a nice day.
Hi Aunty Yochana, I have never seen ot try lup Chup before , so my question in other than strawberries what other food can I use? They look just lovely and I really for to try it.
Hi anonymous,
You don't need to use any fruit. Just mould into shapes you desired and colour it with edible colouring then soak into agar agar.
Woww...amazing..i've been searching for this recipe for ages. Thank you aunty Yo. Gotta try it soon
Hi aunty....my agar agar water didn't stick to mung bean balls...what should i do? Thank you
Hi Fanny,
You've got to soak into the agar agar mixture many times to get the shiny smooth crunch.
Ok...thank you aunty...i'll try it again today and i'll let u know the result
Hello aunty....i do it in the wrong way again, i use jelly powder instead of agar agar powder, it is shiny too but not crunchy at all. It is wet and....end up in the garbage bin :((
Here is the pic http://img32.picoodle.com/img/img32/4/7/9/f_DSC08001m_8890655.jpg
I'll try again other time.
Hi Fanny,
You have to use the Rose brand agar-agar powder that NTUC sells.
Ahh...i see, we don't have NTUC here in Taiwan. But i'll try to find that Rose brand. Thank you aunty, i'm trying your banana sunflower seed cake and it turned out so...good.
Try going to a Thai shop. They do sell the agar agar powder for making Luk Chup.
Hi yochana,
I learnt luk chup from Judy Koh some years ago.Over the years, I've tried creating longans, starfruits, pumpkins. But why sometimes, the fruits cracked? or when i hold them on toothpicks, they slide down? thnks
Hello. What a treat to discover your beautiful blog recently. And it turned up again today when I did a search for a luk chup recipe. Thank you so much for sharing! May I ask, is it necessary to use fresh coconut milk?
Love from Australia,
Hi Jen,
not necessary fresh, you can use the canned coconut milk.'
Looks great
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