Ingredients for skin:
90 gm. Kou fen - fried glutinous rice flour
10 gm. tang mien flour - you can steam it if you want
30 gm. shortening
1 Tbsp. fresh milk
180 - 200 gm. water
100 gm. sugar
300 gm. Lotus paste
70 gm. melted chocolate
1 tsp. cocoa powder
(1) For skin: Boil water and sugar together till sugar dissolves. Cool in the fridge.
(2) Mix kao fen, tang mien flour and shortening together by the rubbing-in method and then pour all the cold syrup and mix till you get a soft dough. Do not overmix.
(3) Divide dough into small portions according to the size of your mould and then wrap up the lotus paste mixture. For lotus paste mixture, mix all together until evenly mixed.
(4) Press into a mooncake mould and then knock it out.
(5) Serve chilled.
Just wondering, how many days will the snow skin stays soft in the fridge? Thanks in advance! :)
Hi Lucy
I noticed that your snowskin mooncakes has Tang Mien flour added to the kao fen. May I know how different does the snowskin mooncake taste from those which uses only the kao fen?
Regards from Cecily(Chawanmushi)
I guess with a little tang mien flour, it makes the skin softer and last longer then.
You should try the teochew spiral yam mooncake. Jo made and was successful.
yeah....jo's spiral yam mooncake looks good. It's just that when I read the recipe... I see it's not easy for me to do and I'm not much of a deep fry fan. For now with my limited skill I attempt only those that I can bake first.
Regards from Cecily
I try to make the snowskin mooncakes using yr receipes but after i store in the referigator it becomes hard ..How come ?
Zann Teo
did you put the mooncakes opened in the refrigerator or did you put it store it in a tupperware.
You must buy the Hong Kong kao fen. They will keep soft for a least 3 -4 days. Kao fen comes from many places. Get the good quality kao fen - Hong Kong made.
hi Zann
I did this mooncake.. after 3 days its still soft and nice.. perhaps ur mooncake was expose to the dry air in the fridge? keep in container and it will be good =)
Thanks Karlsfoodie for your comments. Appreciate very much.
How many mooncakes does this recipe make and how long does it take?
Dear Aunty Yo,
can you pls post how is the method to do the fillings?
thanks in advance
Hi auntie yochana,
Juz would like to check with u, if i wanna have coloured skin, can i juz add colourings to this recipe?
Hi Aunty Yochana,
May I know we can get Kou fen &
tang mien flour from NTUC, Other than from Sun Lik (coz Sun Lik will be closed for the day by the time I get there)? Or izzit available at Phoon Huat?
Mrs Tan
Hi Mrs. Tan,
Yes Phoon Huat does have all the mooncake ingredients or you can try Kwong Cheong Thye but they also close very early.
Hi jeannie,
Yes you can add colouring. Mix the colouring to water before pouring into the kou fen.
Hi yochana,
I tried to make this mooncake and it taste great. Thank you very much for sharing the recipe.
Why is the flour a bit sticky at times? Did I overmix?
Thanks again :)
hi, i would like to know that can we replace the tang mien flour by cornflour. n need to steam for how long? thank you
Hi anonymouse,
No, you cannot use cornflour, definitely not. Steam the hong kong flour for 8 mins. will do.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
need your clarification. Is tang mien flour the same as hong kong flour sold at NTUC (the brand 'Bake King')?
Tks & warmest rgds
Mrs Tan
Hi Mrs. Tan,
Tang Mien flour is wheat starch while hong kong flour is a low gluten flour so they are entirely different. NTUC sells both flour.
Dear aunty yo,
I tried this recipes last nite.
result is excellent! in the middle i'm also using durian paste (recipes from yr snowskin pure durian paste mooncake). taste is fantastic.
you are right! durian goes well with chocolate! thanks!
ask your advise ah, do you made snow skin green tea mooncake before? what is the amount if i wanna make green tea paste? is it lotus paste + green tea powder? what is the portion?
my little princess keep asking me to make green tea mooncake.... but i told her i don't have recipes :(
thank in advance!
Dear Aunt Yochana,
Thanks for sharing. How many days can mooncake be kept in fridge? sus
For snow skin, if properly kept in containers can last for at least 6 to 7 days chilled in the refrigerator. Too long the skin will become dry.
For baked mooncakes, at room temp. mine can go into 2 weeeks and in the refrigerator for months.
thank you!! I am a fan of ur mooncake blogs.. keep up the great work! =) sus
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I've tried this snow skin recipe. I found that the fillings are rather hard after chilling in the fridge. Izzit meant to be like that? Or hav I gone wrong somewhere? Also, the skin seems to be abit sticky coz bits of it stick onto the base of the container. Need your advice.
Tks & warmest regards
Mrs Tan
Hi Mrs. Tan,
a lot of us has done this recipe and given it a thumbs up - recipe from Phoon Huat. Fillings is hard when chilled because it has melted chocolate inside. Just thaw a little before eating and it will be delicious.
Aunty Yochana,
Tks for your reply. I will try again. But I just wana know if the skin izzit abit sticky after chilling in the fridge or only mine is like that?
Mrs tan
Hi Mrs. Tan,
Yes it will be slightly more sticky because pf condensation from the fridge,
Aunty Yochana,
Tks again. Really appreciate your prompt reply. I will harder the next time to make it perfect.
Mrs Tan
Hi, I simply love your blog after discovering it last weekend. I've tried this receipe but i have 1 qn on it. The skin does not seems fine and rather coarse. Is is because i've added too little sugar syrup to it? I'm afraid of over-mixing. Is it possible to make the skin taste a bit like those mochi?
Sorry to take up your time. Thanks~
Hi Jen,
Perhaps you would like to buy the 2 mooncake books that are selling on the shelf at Popular. Mooncakes and Mid-autumn Mooncakes. They have good recipes there. For Mochi skin, you must use the Japanese Mochi flour and the the fried glutinous flour.
Thanks :) will the dough be softer if i add in more sugar syrup?
hi aunty yochana
I'm new to your blog and I'm already fascinated with the many recipes you have! Just wondering, is there a special method to steam the flour? Do I've to mix the flour with water b4 steaming?
Thanks in advance!
can i use icing sugar instead ? Does adding wheat starch flour cause mooncake to stay soft longer ?
Hi anonymous.
yes you can use icing sugar. The wheat starch is not important. Just omit it cos it doesn't make any differenc.
Hi Mel,
Just steam the flour for 10 mins. Leave it to cool then sieve it.
Aunty Yochana,
b4 i forget, i must let u know that i adapted the receipe to making the snowskin moonies on tuesday, 25/9 and the chilled snowskin is still soft and moist even today, sunday, thats 5 solid days.
was late in finding your site, but better late than never. so next year, there will be plentiful more to experiment with the varieties you have listed.
thank you again !!! *hugs*
Hi Aunty,
For shortening, do we need to use only the Criso type?
next, For bake mooncake which require peanut oil, it's normal cooking oil? thks in adv
hi chezzy heart,
for shortening, you can buy the mooncake shortening from Sun Lik. She pack it into small tubs. Crisco is good tho.
As for mooncake pastry, if you don't have peanut or groundnut oil, any oil will do.
Thks Aunty,
2 more qns dun mind =)?
Can prepare e salted egg yolk by steaming or only bake?
Last, Melon seeds must bake oso b4 use?
Hi chezzyheart,
salted egg yolks , better to bake but you can opt for steaming instead.
yes melon seeds and olive seeds must bake.
Just wonder how to mix different colours into the skin? Just put in few drops of colouring & knead on separated dough?
Hi Aunty,
Just read that u once answered on the colored skin part by mixing a colour into the water than pour into kao fan. But if i want to make a rainbow colour on this recipe, how to do it? hope i'm clear this round =p thks & sorry for my repeated qns
Hi anonymous,
for multi colours, you have no choice but to make into a dough, then divide into portions and drop colouring to it and mix till even.
HI Aunty,
To make a green tea flavour on skin or adding milo powder for a brown skin, shld i sieve the powder tog with the flour or mix the powder in the water 1st than pour in?
hi linda,
better to add into the water, stir till well dissovled before pouring into the kou fen.
Hi aunty yochana,
my friends and i tried to make the snowskin skin last night, but it didnt come out white. it was more lk a dumpling skin colour. yellowish. what went wrong?
and another thing,u listed fresh milk as one our ur ingredients but in the steps, u didnt seem to list down when we shld add the milk.
do help us!! thanks (:
hi joce,
probably your kou fen is more yellowish in colour. Just add everything together. it;s O.k. if you add the add - whether at the beginning or at the end.
Hi Aunty Yochana
Do we need to leave the dough overnight in the fridge before making the mooncakes?
are those HOng Kong Kou Fen we buy from NTUC aldy cooked/fried? if not how do we cook it?
how many mooncakes can this recipe make?
Hi Charmz Closet,
I don't think NTUC sells Kou fen. You have to go to Sun Lik or Kwong Cheong Thye to buy the Fried Glutinous rice flour. For snow skin, no need to keep the dough overnight. Make the dough, rest for 10 mins and you can embark on your mission.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I went Sun Lik and bought this Hong Kong Kou Fen... Do we still need to cook it?
Hi charmx closet,
no need to cook..
Thnx Aunty Yochana
I just finished making the dough and it looks ok... have yet to taste and see... overall it looks ok...i tried 3 different kinds of recipes and it all failed except yours... thank u so much.
One last question: can we use mixer to form the dough?
Hi Charmz closet
Yes you can use a mixer to do the job but don't overbeat .
how do we know if we have over mix the dough ? - be it by hand or mixer
Hi Charmz Closet,
throw it onto the table and if it can bounce back then it's overdone. You can still mould it but it does not have a smooth surface.
Hi Aunty
I have tried this over the weekend, the skin was absolutely soft and taste good unlike those sold commercially that's grainy. It was superb!
Only qtn though is my dough became sticky after adding a little pandan paste directly onto the dough. Do you think I've over kneaded?
Hi Rosalynn,
Sticky doesn't mean overknead. Just add in some tang mien flour and kou fen and it will be back to normal again.
Hi Aunty Yochana
I just finish making the mooncake.. it's fantastic! the dough is a little sticky and sticks onto the mould. had a little hard time knocking it out..
any solutions?
Hi Yochana
You are a NICE & GREAT lady! By looking at the recipe, it makes me headache and by looking at the comments, my head spins.. hehehehe
I am staying in France now. Went back singapore in May and just bought the lotus paste back here without buying other ingredients. See how stupid am I.. hahahaha
Luckily, I got some shortening and alkaline water, golden syrup from a friend. But FRIED glutinious rice flour ?? I only have glutinious rice flour.. sigh..I am in trouble again...
Hi Shanon's mummy,
Hahaha..so how? you need fried glutinous rice flour to make snow skin mooncakes.
Hi Aunty Yochana,
I notice from all your snowskin receipes that different ones have different percentage of water to flour. Does more water or less make the skin softer or harder?
Thanks!! you are really very kind to share all your wonderful receipes... i cant wait to try them out : )
Hi Angie,
Plus minus water a little here and there makes not much difference but of course more water will be softer but not too much too...it will become too sticky.
dear yochana
may i know where is Sun Lik and Kwong Cheong Thye?
Thank you
Sun Lik is at 33, Seah Street (next to Raffles hotel) and Kwong Cheong Thye is at Lorong 27, Geylang.
thanks you so much anuty yochana for the addresses.
Hi Aunty
Just want to ask, what is fried glutinous rice flour? Is it the normal glutinous flour or have to fry the flour? Thanks in advance.(=
Hi Janice,
Fried glutinous rice flour is a ready-made flour which is difficult for us to make ourself. It's called kou fen, used for making mooncakes.
Oh. Kou fen is it the one that can be bought from market? The ones that is used to make tang yuen? By the way, is it possible to make a snowskin mooncake with mooncake mould? As in shaping on our own?
Thanks so much Aunty Yochana for the tips and your time.(= By the way, can I email you if I have any queries over any recipes of yours? I'm only 19 yet I just loveee to bake but I do not have much guidance here at home. I'm from Malaysia by the way.
Regards, Janice.(=
Hi Janice
yes you can email me at:
Kou fen is not the one that makes tang yuan. Kou fen is a special fried glutinous rice flour which normally comes from Hong Kong.
Hi Aunty,
Do u take students? I am keen to learn baking but unable to find a course that suits my needs..thanks.
i am new to baking and hence not too familiar with some terms like "...rubbing-in method...".
can you explain?
thanks again 'n' wish u a happy mooncake festival.
Hi anonymous
rubbin-in method means using your finger to rub the dry and the wet together til it resembles breadcrumbs.
Hi Aunty
Always like to visit your site to see your lovely cakes and bakes.
May I know if you know of any supplier that sells icing sugar in smaller quantity? Think Phoon Huat sells 1 lkg and I don't think I will need that much.
By the way, do you conduct any classes at home? I will be interested...especially small groups.
Let me know, thanks : )
Hi Irene
icing sugar in small packaging can be bought from any supermarket.
At the moment, no classes as soon as it resumes, i will email u.
Hi Aunty
Please email me if you have classes for small group
By the way, I couldnt find Hong Kong Flour, does Prima has this?
Do you use shortening to grease baking trays? If the tray is non-stick type, still need to grease? (is for traditional mooncakes).
Hi there.
I have been wondering,
What happen to the "1 Tbsp. fresh milk"?
It is not shown in the instruction.
Just now after i finish making the dough, i notice the milk is not added and i do not know where to add the milk. So i add to the dough, everything turn sticky.
Hi Aunty Yochana.
I'm curious.
When making snow skin mooncake, why the water measure by gm instead of ml?
When i measure by Ml, it seen fine with 180ml.
For the skin, i know why it is sticky. Because i press the dough too much.
Hi Aunty Yochana
I noticed some recipes add in some rice flour on top of kou fen. Is the rice flour the ingredient that makes some snow skin grainy? I quite like that grainy texture.
Hi Yochana
I tried your white snowskin mooncake receipe and it turns out great.
Skin was smooth and soft. My family and friends enjoy the chilled mooncake very much.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful receipe
Hello. My white flesh mooncake haf hardened because its been over a week since it was made. Can I steam it in a steamer to get it soft again? I tried to put it in the microwave for 30 seconds but it remained hard still.
Must serve the snowskin mooncake right after chilled? Can put in room temperature for two hours before serving?
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